Program Structure

International Finance Program is based on adding theoretical and practical substructure for professional life and further academic studies. For the first two years, the aim of the program is building a basis for business management. Within this context, courses as Accounting, Micro and Macro Economics, Statistics and Organizational Behavior are included in the program. In the last two years, the program focuses on specialization in international finance. The backbone of this specialization part of the program is constituted of courses such as Corporate Finance, Financial Institutions, Markets and Instruments, Financial Modelling, Financial Risk Management, International Finance, and Banking and Financial Structure.
Graduates of the program are endowed with the latest finance techniques, and more importantly are capable of implementing these techniques.
•Academic staff is composed of prominent scholars and experienced professionals.
•Needs of multinational companies and financial institutions as insurance companies, banks, financial intermediaries and investment banks are considered while constituting the curriculum of the program.
•BİLGİ International Finance students have the opportunity to spend one or two semesters in one of more than a hundred distinguished European universities, within the context of European Union’s Erasmus program.
İstanbul Bilgi University Department of Business Administration is a member of the "United Nations Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME)".