Department of Economics

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about department

Department Head Koray Akay Prof.

Economics is a rapidly developing branch of science. The process of globalization, accelerating technological progress and growing international competition increase the importance of understanding and solving economic problems steadily. The role of economics and economists is expanding, including how to design and implement various social and economic policies.

Department of Economics offers a high quality education so that our graduates have the opportunity to successfully work in different sectors at home and abroad. Our department provides several well-designed programs. For instance; Economics program is one of the essential programs which is carried out since the foundation of İstanbul Bilgi University. The Economic and Finance Program offers the opportunity to specialize in both fields, Business Administration and Economics, at the undergraduate level. For the students who successfully complete their first year, we offer the opportunity to apply to our Honors Program. Students in the Honors Program, as the international students of the University of London, have the benefit of LSE's academic input, and the backing of the University of London. By completing these programs, they will receive two diplomas, from BİLGİ as well as from the University of London.