Department of Civil Engineering

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Civil engineering as one of the oldest engineering branches, today has a very important situation with the effects of improvement of the technology, rapid increase in population, and urbanization. Due to these rapid developments in the human life, alternation in the education of the civil engineering has been become necessary in terms of the methods, instruments and the quality. Civil engineering which tries to solve the physical problems by using mathematics, today has turned into a branch of science in which the development of technologies is predominantly based on computer usage.
Civil Engineering Department of İstanbul Bilgi University takes place in santral istanbul (Eyüp) which is the most beautiful campus in İstanbul, namely, the most magnificent city of the world. I am very glad to be the head of Department of the Civil Engineering which is the oldest branch in engineering. The electricity power plant in the santral istanbul Campus which was constructed by using the reinforced concrete frames, was built in the Ottoman period and also these frames have been the first reinforced concrete structural member applications in our country. The electricity power plant was very important to provide the electricity of the whole İstanbul at the term of Sultan Reşat.