Faculty Member, PhD

Yusuf Yüksekdağ


Yüksekdağ, Y., and S. Durmuş (2025). ‘Privacy expectations and norms: Perceptions of individual digital activists in Turkey’s Xsphere (Twittersphere)'. In Technology, Power, and Society: Global Perspectives on the Digital Transformation, (Eds.) B. Mutsvairo, D. Nguyen & J. Zeng. Leiden: Brill Books.

Yüksekdağ, Y. (2024). Commodification, datafication and smart cities: An ethical exploration. Journal of Urban Affairsdoi: 10.1080/07352166.2024.2309290

Yüksekdağ, Y. (2024). ‘Reflections on Teaching the Ethics of Digital Communication Technologies'. In Collaboration in Media Studies: Doing and Being Together, (Eds.) B. Irmak, C. Koçak, O. Sesigür & N. Haydari. London: Routledge.

Yüksekdağ, Y. (2022). ‘Mağdur’ Sığınmacının Temsili: Etik Odaklı Çerçeve ve Hak Temelli Bakış. REFLEKTIF Journal of Social Sciences  3(1): 91-107. (English Title: ‘(Re)presentation of the Refugee as a ‘Victim’: Ethical Framing and Rights-Based Analysis’)

Yüksekdağ, Y. (2021). 'Aguirre, Caché and Creating Anti-Colonialist Puzzles: A Normative Perspective.' In Contemporary Approaches to Orientalism in Media and Beyond. Hershey, PA: IGI.

Yuksekdag, Y. (2020). Individual Responsibilities in Partial Compliance. Public Health Ethics  13(1): 89-98.

Yuksekdag, Y. (2019). The Right to Exit and Skilled Labour Emigration. Developing World Bioethics  19(3): 169-179

Yuksekdag, Y. (2019). Doctors Behind Borders: The Ethics of Skilled Worker Emigration. Linköping University Press, ISBN: 9789176850893 (printed dissertation)

Yuksekdag, Y. (2018). How to Understand Limitations of the Right to Exit with Respect to Losses Associated with Health Worker Emigration: A Clarification. Etikk i Praksis: Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics  12(2): 69-86

Yuksekdag, Y., and E. Palm. (2018). Globalization, Cosmopolitanism and Migration: Ethics of Inclusion and Exclusion. Etikk i Praksis: Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics  12(2): 1-5

Yuksekdag, Y. (2018). Health Without Care? Vulnerability, Medical Brain Drain, and Health Worker Responsibilities in Underserved Contexts. Health Care Analysis  26: 17-32

Yuksekdag, Y. (2017). Against Cursory Treatments in Ethics of Medical Migration from Underserved Countries. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry  14: 173–176 (critical response)

Yuksekdag, Y. (2016). Domination and Global Justice Implications of a Social-Republican Account. Global Justice: Theory, Practice, Rhetoric  9(1) (review article)

Yuksekdag, Y. (2015). Review of J. H. Carens, ‘The Ethics of Immigration.’ Political Studies Review  13(2): 242-242 (book review)

Yuksekdag, Y. (2014). Etik och migration mellan verklighet och ideal. Filosofisk tidskrift  35/3: 77-83. (English Title: ‘Ethics and Migration in Between Reality and Ideal’)

Yuksekdag, Y. (2012). Moral Cosmopolitanism and the Right to Immigration. Public Reason  4(1): 262-272 (conference proceedings)