Study Mobility

Study Mobility

Dear Students,


The Erasmus English Language Exam will be held for our students who wish to participate in the Erasmus+ Mobility Programmes in the 2025-2026 Academic Year. 

All students who would like to participate in the exam must fill out the form by 17:00 on Monday, January 13, 2025.

Erasmus+ English Language Exam will be held on Sunday, January 19, 2025, at 09:30 and details will be announced later on.

You can click here to fill out the form.

Call for 2023 Project - 2023-1-TR01-KA131-HED-000119987 Erasmus+ Europe Study Mobility

Please kindly visit this page for 2023 Project Erasmus+ Europe Study Mobility applications.

2023 Project -2023-1-TR01-KA131-HED-000119987 Erasmus+ Europe Study Mobility results

Please kindly visit this page for 2023 Project Erasmus+ Europe Study Mobility results.

Dear Students,

We first would like to congratulate the students who have been found eligible as well as the students who have applied.

We kindly ask you to read the entire announcement carefully and in detail.

You can see the placement results of Erasmus+ Europe Student Mobility for 2024-2025 Academic Year by clicking here.

Students who have applied can also visit Turna Portal for detailed information on their application.

All the applications completed correctly before the deadline have been evaluated. Students who submitted all the required documents have been listed based on their Erasmus score, which is calculated with 50% of the GPA and 50% of the language score, and placed in accordance with their university preference order and university quotas.

The Erasmus Office has been provided with 281.000 Euros for grants in our 2023 Project budget for the Erasmus+ Student Mobility. In line with this budget, in order to provide grant for the maximum number of students, the first 156 students will be PARTIALLY GRANTED based on their Erasmus scores. Students who are entitled to receive a grant are indicated in green as "GRANTED" and students who are entitled to participate in the program without a grant are indicated in blue as “NOT GRANTED” in the list.

The granting method will be as follows for the students who are in the first 156:

  • Students who are listed for only fall or only spring semester will receive a maximum of 3 months X 450 euros or 3 months X 600 Euros, depending on the country’s grant category
  • Students who receive a letter of acceptance which has shorter duration of education than these durations, will receive grants for their education period. (Even the student does not physically stay for 90 days, it is mandatory to receive education for minimum 60 days)
  • Students who choose fall and spring semesters (an academic year) and who are eligible for a grant will be allocated a grant for the duration of only one semester.

If a student who is eligible for grant would like to cancel their Erasmus+ eligibility, the grant will be given to the student next on the list. In this case, the student will be informed by our Office via e-mail.

Students who are not listed among the first 156 students and listed as “NOT GRANTED” may participate in the program without receiving any grant.

Students whose applications were suitable but who could not be placed in a university due to the university quotas are listed as “SUBSTITUTE” for the first possible university preference in which they can be placed in accordance with their university preference order and the language score of the university that they prefer. If an eligible student cancels their mobility, the substitute students will be contacted via e-mail.

Students who would like to cancel must submit their cancellation petition until April 1, 2024, at the latest to In case a cancellation petition is submitted after this date, 10 points will be deduced from the student’s next Erasmus application.

All information will be sent to your BİLGİ e-mail addresses. We thereby recommend that you check your BİLGİ e-mail addresses frequently.

Students who are eligible can check the link below for detailed information on the process as well as the required documents to complete:

The information regarding orientation day will be provided via e-mail later on.

(If you have questions about the partner universities before the orientation meeting, you can contact us in order not to miss the deadlines.)

If you would like to submit any objections about your results, you may send your objection petition to until March 28, 2024. Objections will be evaluated, and students will be contacted regarding their results. As a result of objections, grant allocations or students' university placements may change.

We wish you success!

Erasmus Office

CLICK HERE to see the announcement for Erasmus+ Europe Study Mobility for the 2023 - 2024 academic year.

CLICK HERE to see application guide for Turkish National Agency Portal.

CLICK HERE to see application guide for KION Portal.

- For undergraduate students, minimum GPA: 2.20/4.00; for graduate & PhD students, minimum GPA: 2.50/4.00 is required to apply to the Erasmus program.

- Students who would like to apply must have completed their first semester of their first year and they must apply while they are an actively-registered student at their home university. Graduated students cannot apply to the program.

- Applications are taken via and as the application call is announced. All terms and conditions regarding the application procedure are announced in the application call of that particular year.

- A student in the higher education study cycle (undergraduate, graduate, PhD) can attend one or more Erasmus+ programs lasting a maximum of 12 months. For those students who previously took part in an Erasmus+ program within the same study cycle (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD), 10 points are reduced from the total Erasmus score in the new application.

- Students who are accepted onto both the Erasmus+ Study and the Erasmus+ Traineeship programs within the same application period must select which application (Study or Traineeship) will have 10 points deducted from it. In this case, the student should sign a petition indicating his/her decision.

- The selected Erasmus+ Study Program must be a minimum of 3 months in duration. Mobility periods iesshorter than 3 months must be backed up by a report to prove that it is a case of force majeure. Otherwise, the Erasmus+ mobility of the student will be invalid.

- Students may extend/shorten their study period within the announced time period.

- The partner institution will not expect any academic tuition fees from the student. Academic fees include education, registration, examination, lab and library fees. However, the institution may request the same compensation payed by their own students, for costs associated with insurance, residence permit, transportation card, copy services, lab utensils etc.

Please CLICK for 2023-2024 Agreement List* 

- Students accepted onto the Erasmus Exchange Program pay their tuition at BİLGİ as usual and are exempt from tuition at the partner (host) institution. However, they are responsible for transportation to and from the partner university and for all living costs and personal expenses during the exchange program.

- Following the selection of BİLGİ Erasmus students, the Erasmus Office will notify the partner universities to start the exchange procedures. The student will then make his/ her individual application to the partner university. Students must complete any necessary forms, including those for accommodation, meeting the deadlines set by the partner university.

- Students must prepare a Learning Agreement in accordance with their Erasmus Department Coordinators at BİLGİ and the partner university, which verifies their study program during the exchange period. For a student to be able to do the necessary work for their diploma/degree, they must accumulate 60 ECTS per year (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS), 30 ECTS per semester for a 2-semester academic year, and 20 ECTS per semester for a 3- semester academic year.

- Upon application, the student will receive a Letter of Acceptance from the International Office of the partner university. They should then apply for a student visa at the local consulate of the host country.

- The partner university assigns an advisor for the exchange student to help him/her with their registration.

- Students are subject to the rules and regulations of the partner university, as well as the laws of the country they are in, during their study period abroad.

- After completion of the exchange program, all students must obtain a Transcript of Records document from the partner university which includes all the courses taken during the exchange period, as well as a Certificate of Participation document signed by the partner university which shows the student’s final period of stay.

- All passed courses & grades must be transferred to the student’s BILGI transcript. In order to complete the credit transfer process, the Transcript of Records document from the host university and fully signed Credit Transfer Form must be submitted by the student to Student Affairs.

If you have been selected to participate in a student exchange program, click to download the information sheet for outgoing students and the necessary forms mentioned in the information sheet.


2021-2022 Useful Documents

2021-2022 Before The Mobility Documents 

  • EXCHANGE PERMISSION FORM (This form can be completed with th approval of Finance Office after renewing the 2021-2022 academic year registration to BILGI.)
  • COPY OF HEALTH INSURANCE POLICY (Must cover your whole period of stay starting from your arrival to the destination country, until your departure date)
  • GRANT AGREEMENT - (Will be provided by BILGI)

2021-2022 During The Mobility

2021-2022 After The Mobility


2020-2021 Useful Documents

2020-2021 Before The Mobility Documents 

  • COPY OF HEALTH INSURANCE POLICY (Must cover your whole period of stay starting from your arrival to the destination country, until your departure date)
  • GRANT AGREEMENT - to be  updated (Will be provided by Bilgi, students just have to read carefully)

2020-2021 During The Mobility

2020-2021 After The Mobility

2019-2020 Useful Documents

2019-2020 Before The Mobility Documents 

2019-2020 During The Mobility

2019-2020 After The Mobility

Useful Documents

Before The Mobility

During The Mobility

After The Mobility

- Any student who fails to sit the English Exam and does not notify the Erasmus Office will have 5 points deducted from their next Erasmus application.

- After the announcement of the placements and grant distributions, a deadline will be set for cancellations. If the student cancels his/her mobility after this deadline, -10 points will be deducted from their Erasmus grade in their next application.

- Students who are unable to attend the program for some reason, should inform the partner university and submit a cancellation letter to the Erasmus Office (this can be found on our website).

- Students who attend the Erasmus Program for a full year are also able to cancel their second exchange semester by submitting the cancellation letter before the deadlines.

BİLGİ Erasmus Office is responsible for selecting the outgoing Erasmus students. Based on the number of selected students, the Erasmus Office applies to the Turkish National Agency for a budget of Erasmus mobility grants for the following academic year.

The criteria for grant distribution are determined by the BILGI Erasmus Commission based on the budget allocated to our university. The Commission aims to provide grants for the maximum number of students in line with the criteria detailed below. These criteria are determined according to rules in the guidebook of the Turkish National Agency.

· Distributing grants according to the  general Erasmus score list based on Exchange period/ total days

· Distributing grants according to faculty’s performance  based on Exchange period/Total days

·Distributing the grant to all students for a minimum of 3 months

Grant amounts are shown below:

The grant amounts which was 500 Euros for Group 1 and 2 Program Countries and 300 Euros for Group 3 Program Countries for Study Mobility and grant amounts which was 600 Euros for Group 1 and 2 Program Countries and 400 Euros for Group 3 Program Countries are updated as below as of 2021 Erasmus project terms:

Country Groups

Host Mobility Countries

Monthly Grant - Study (euro)

Monthly Grant

- Traineeship


Group 1 and 2 Program Countries

United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Sweden, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Southern Cyprus, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Greece



Group 3 Program Countries

Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey



-In order to fund the maximum number of students, depending on the budget allocated to a university and the number of selected students, the Erasmus Office Is able to do partial funding.

Students who cannot receive a grant may still complete an exchange without a grant if they wish.

Grants are only transferred after the student signs the grant agreement with BILGI as the final stage of mobility, accepting all terms and conditions for granting and general rules of the program.

Grants are calculated according to the dates stated in the Letter of Acceptance the student will receive from the partner university. 80% of the whole amount is transferred to the student’s bank account (From Garanti BBVA) before departure.

Student’s final grant is calculated student completes his/her mobility and submit all the necessary documents to the Erasmus Office and the rest of the grant the students needs to receive is transferred based on this calculation.

Within the Erasmus+ Student Exchange Program, students can participate to the Erasmus+ mobility for total 12 months for each level of education (undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate), with or without grant. This means, students can receive mobility grants for 12 months in total for each of the Erasmus+ programs (Erasmus Study or Erasmus Traineeship), at each level. Thus, students should plan their mobility, as it will not exceed 12 months. Students will have a new total 12 months participation right to the Erasmus+ mobility in case of completing one study degree and starting a new study degree (E.g. graduating from Bachelor degree and starting to Master degree). In other words, students may participation to the Erasmus+ Mobility maximum total 36 months (bachelor/master/PHD), on the condition of maximum 12 months for each level.

Student should pass the 2/3 of the total credits of the courses they chose at partner university successfully. If the student is not able to meet this criteria, the rest of the total grant will be deducted.

Unless there is a reasonable excuse, it is compulsory to complete OLS exams both before and after the mobility. In case of not completing OLS exam before and/or after the mobility, there will be 5% deduction.

Except the official holidays and semester breaks, students cannot leave the host country. Students who leave the country/city for more than a week; will not receive mobility grants for the period of their absence, if detected. If payed before, will be asked for a refund.

The rest of the mobility grant can be deducted if the student does not submit the required documents after the mobility.

For students who end their mobility period before planned due to force majeure causes*( family causes, health issues, natural disasters etc.) will be granted only for days stayed at the host country.

 If the student is granted before mobility for more than actualized dates, the extra amount will be asked for refund from the student. According to “General Proposal Call” declared by the European Commission, Erasmus+ exchange program should last for at least 3 months, and Erasmus+ traineeships for 2 months. This minimum duration cannot be shortened apart from the majeure causes mentioned below.

  ** Majeure cause**, stands for a situation or event that prevents one of the parts in a contract to fulfil its contractual obligation, not caused by fault or omission of the parts, subcontracts, affiliates or 3rdparts involved in the application, but occurs inevitably and unpredicably outside of the parts’ control, despite all the care and attention. A service not provided, defects in equipments or utensils or their delay in being prepared, cannot be declared as a majeure cause if not directly caused by a force majeure, labor dispute, strike or financial issues.  

- Selected students must be registered to the OLS system (personal login information will be sent to the students’ e-mail accounts by the Erasmus Office). The OLS system is a platform for students to take language course modules and language exams, offered in 6 languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Dutch). OLS language courses are not compulsory; only students who are required to participate or need linguistic support are expected to take them. Language exams must be completed both before and after the mobility period.

- Students who score below B1, may be required to take a language course in the same language of the first exam. Students who score B2 or above will be enrolled onto a language course in the language of their host country. Students can only participate in language courses if they have completed their first exams. 

- No students will be considered as having “completed their documents” until they have taken their exams after the mobility period. All students are expected to take their exams before the deadline specified and announced by our office.


Students are responsible for applying and obtaining any visas and residence permits required by the host country. The student must pay any fees required for these processes.

Students who are not Turkish citizens also have to apply for a visa from Turkey.

If the consulate general of the host university requests any documents that must be collected from BILGI, students must contact the relevant departments.

The only document that can be collected from the Erasmus Office is the signed document stating that the student is going to participate in the Erasmus program and receive funding (if stated funded) within the days stated on the Letter of Acceptance. Students can only collect this document if all required ‘before mobility’ documents are already submitted to the Erasmus Office.


Students must have a valid health insurance policy

  • -Covering the student’s inpatient and outpatient treatment
  • -Must cover the full period of stay abroad (not only the study period)
  • -Must be valid in Schengen countries
  • -The minimum coverage of the insurance must be 30.000 Euros

Health insurance must be arranged by the students prior to their departure. If, however, for some reason the student is not able to do so, the partner university will assist the student in obtaining health insurance upon arrival. The necessary fees for the health insurance policy are to be paid by the student. The student is responsible for submitting a copy of the insurance policy to the Erasmus Office no later than the announced deadlines.


The student is responsible for arranging accommodation or requesting assistance from the partner university.

The partner university is responsible for assisting students with their living arrangements, contingent upon the student meeting all relevant deadlines.