Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions page has been prepared in order to answer the questions that our students most frequently ask regarding their education and campus life at BİLGİ.
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Related Unit | Subject | Contents |
Student Support Center | Which scholarships can I receive during my education? | Starting from your admission to the University, you can benefit from ÖSYM (Student Selection and Placement Center), Sports, Need-based scholarships and receive IB, Teacher, Sibling, and Alumni discount.
Our students with disabilities are not provided with a special scholarship. During your education, you can apply to the other scholarship opportunities that the university provides. |
Student Support Center | Where and when I should make an application in order to receive scholarship and discount? | In order to benefit from ÖSYM scholarships, you need to mark ‘with scholarship’ code in the ÖSYM guidebook and attain the score of that department.
Students who complete one year as an active student can apply for need-based scholarships. All the documents required for the application and all the information regarding the application process are announced on under Need-based Scholarship Applications in June. The applications are submitted online and reviewed by the scholarship committee. This scholarship is valid for one year and does not cover summer school. In case the need for the scholarship continues, the application needs to be renewed for the subsequent year with current documents. You need to apply to sports scholarship during the first placements at the university before the university preference period is over. After you are placed in the university, if you are elected for one of the teams in one of the sports branches that participate in interuniversity competitions and demonstrate a high performance, you can receive non-refundable ‘sports scholarship’ upon the proposal of the Sports Coordination Office and with the amount determined by Scholarship Committee. In order to benefit from IB, Teacher, Sibling, and Alumni discounts, students are required to submit their documents and provide information before or during registration. |
Student Support Center | What is the duration of the scholarship? | Depending on the scholarship type, the duration of the scholarships is as follows:
ÖSYM (Student Selection and Placement Center) Scholarship: This scholarship will be applicable for 2 years in English Preparatory Program (valid for programs in which the medium of instruction is English), 6 years in undergraduate programs, and 3 years in associate degree programs. The scholarship does not include summer school. Sports Scholarship: Students who have reached the level of national team in the branches where İstanbul Bilgi University participates in inter-university competitions or who have achieved high performance upon being selected for the university team, albeit not for the national team, can receive non-refundable ‘sports scholarship’ upon the proposal of the Sports Coordination Office at the rates that Scholarship Committee will determine. The scholarship does not include summer school. Sports scholarship is applicable for 2 years in English Preparatory Program (valid for programs in which the medium of instruction is English), 4 years in undergraduate programs, and 2 years in associate degree programs. Scholarship will be discontinued in case student’s GPA falls below 2.00. Need-based Scholarship: Need-based scholarships that are provided upon the decision of Scholarship Committee are valid for one (1) year. This scholarship does not include summer school. IB Discount: It is applicable for 2 years in English Preparatory Program (valid for programs in which the medium of instruction is English), 4 years in undergraduate programs, and 2 years in associate degree programs. The discount does not include summer school. Teacher Discount: If your mother or father is an active or retired teacher or faculty member in a primary school, secondary school and high school and in higher education institutions of Ministry of Education , you can benefit from a 10% discount for 2 years in English Preparatory Program (valid for programs in which the medium of instruction is English), 6 years in undergraduate programs, and 3 years in associate degree programs. This discount does not cover summer school. Sibling Discount: If you have a sibling who studies at or who graduated from İstanbul Bilgi University, you can benefit from 10% sibling discount for 2 years in English Preparatory Program (valid for programs in which the medium of instruction is English), 6 years in undergraduate programs, and 3 years in associate degree programs. This discount does not include summer school. Alumni Discount: If you graduated from an associate degree, undergraduate or graduate program at Istanbul Bilgi University and will enroll to a new program, you can benefit from 30% discount. This scholarship does not include summer school. |
Student Support Center | Is my scholarship discontinued in case of internal transfer (when I change my department)? | If you would like to make an internal transfer after being placed at the university, your ÖSYM scholarship needs to be reevaluated. Provided that the score you received on the university entrance exam is equal to or higher than the base point of the department at which you would like to study, your ÖSYM scholarship will continue. Otherwise, it will be discontinued. Those students whose ÖSYM scholarship is discontinued but whose GPA is 3.50 and above will receive internal transfer scholarship at the same rate. If any other scholarship is provided other than ÖSYM scholarship in case of internal transfer, the duration of the scholarship will be included in the time that has passed in the first department you are placed and it cannot exceed 8 academic semesters for undergraduate programs and 4 academic semesters for associate degree programs. If the student’s GPA falls below 2.00, the scholarship is discontinued. |
Student Support Center | In which cases is my scholarship discontinued? | The terms for the continuance of scholarships in our University apart from ÖSYM scholarship and teacher, sibling, and alumni discounts are as follows:
Terms for the Continuance of Scholarships • Scholarships are valid for 2 academic years for English Preparatory Program (valid for programs in which the medium of instruction is English) • Scholarships cannot exceed 8 semesters for undergraduate programs and 4 semesters for associate degree programs. (For students who are placed through internal and external transfer procedures and students who change their departments, their previous semesters of study will be considered.) • Scholarships do not include summer school. • If a student’s GPA falls below 2.00, scholarships are discontinued. • Scholarship of a student who receive disciplinary punishment as a result of disciplinary proceeding for having been involved in an act of violence is discontinued. ÖSYM Scholarships are not dependent on GPA. The scholarship continues for 2 years for English Preparatory Program (valid for programs in which the medium of instruction is English), 6 years for undergraduate programs, and 3 years for associate degree programs. ÖSYM scholarships are discontinued when the specified durations end. Sports Scholarships are discontinued after 2 years in English Preparatory Program, 4 years in undergraduate programs, and 2 years in associate degree programs. In addition, the scholarship of students who engage in undisciplined acts, who do not participate in competitions and training arbitrarily, and whose GPA fall under 2.00 at the end of the academic years is discontinued. IB Discounts are valid for 2 years in English Preparatory Program (valid for programs in which the medium of instruction is English), 2 years in associate degree programs and 4 years in undergraduate programs provided that the terms stipulated below are met. In case one of these terms is not met, the discount is discontinued. · The scholarship/discount is valid for 2 years in English Preparatory Program (valid for programs in which the medium of instruction is English). · The scholarship/discount is valid for 8 academic semesters for undergraduate programs and for 4 academic semesters for associate degree programs. (The semesters that the students who were placed with internal transfer and external transfer and who changed their departments are taken into account in the calculation of the total of semesters) · The scholarship/discount does not cover the summer school. · If a student’s GPA falls under 2.00, his/her scholarship/discount is discontinued. · The scholarship/discount of a student who receives disciplinary punishment for being involved in acts of violence is discontinued. |
Student Support Center | In which areas does the Unit for Student with Disability provide support? What kind of support can I receive during examinations and lectures? Can I receive support from the University to access the campuses? | The Unit provides support for feasible and primary needs depending on the disability of our students. - Providing special conditions for examinations and lectures (You can submit a report of your disability and your required need to the Unit with your petition. Your petition is delivered to the Faculty or Vocational High School administration and decision that is fit your condition is taken. For example, you can request additional hours for examinations and examination documents with bigger fonts.) - Academic follow-up of the student - Facilitating services for in-campus physical access (We can provide transportation services between the University campuses. We cannot provide transportation support directly from your house to the campuses.) - If need be, photocopy and scanning support |
Student Support Center | What is the goal of the Student Council? | The Student Council aims to help meet the educational, health, sports and cultural needs of the students enrolled in İstanbul Bilgi University, establish an efficient communication among the administrative bodies and students and communicate the expectations and requests of students to these administrative organs, and ensure the involvement of students regarding the decisions to be made on education and training issues. |
Student Support Center | What should I do to become a Departmental Representative? | In order to become a candidate in the departmental student representative elections in your department, you are required to meet the terms specified below and complete your application until the specified day in the election calendar. You are required to submit your application to the Election Board and the dean’s office/director’s office of the relevant faculty/vocational high school in writing. Terms of Application for Candidates: a. Being a registered student in an associate degree or undergraduate program of the relevant department; being at least a second-year student, and benefiting from student rights within the scope of İstanbul Bilgi University Credit System Undergraduate and Associate Degree Education and Examination. Special students, students registered in the University within the framework of exchange programs, and equivalence recognition students cannot become a candidate in the elections. Students registered in minor programs cannot run for the student representative position for the department where they are enrolled in the minor program; double-major students or students registered in more than one department can become a candidate to represent only one department. b. Not exceeding the normal period of study c. The students should not be on leave or freeze their registration during the semester when the election is held. d. The student must not have a criminal record for committing any disgraceful offense. e. The student must not have received any disciplinary punishment other than a warning. f. Having a GPA of 2.75 in terms of academic achievement. g. The student should not be a member or at the service of any political parties. h. The student must have no affiliation, connection or contact with terrorist organizations. i. In case there are no eligible candidates, departmental student representative by-elections do not take place and the position remains vacant until the next by-election or ordinary election. |
Student Support Center | What are the terms that I should meet in order to become a candidate? |
Terms of Application for Candidates:
a. Being a registered student in an associate degree or undergraduate program of the relevant department; being at least a second-year student, and benefiting from student rights within the scope of İstanbul Bilgi University Credit System Undergraduate and Associate Degree Education and Examination. Special students, students registered in the University within the framework of exchange programs, and equivalence recognition students cannot become a candidate in the elections. Students registered in minor programs cannot run for the student representative position for the department where they are enrolled in the minor program; double-major students or students registered in more than one department can become a candidate to represent only one department. b. Not exceeding the normal period of study c. The students should not be on leave or freeze their registration during the semester when the election is held. d. The student must not have a criminal record for committing any disgraceful offense. e. The student must not have received any disciplinary punishment other than a warning. f. Having a GPA of 2.75 in terms of academic achievement. g. The student should not be a member or at the service of any political parties. h. The student must have no affiliation, connection or contact with terrorist organizations. i. In case there are no eligible candidates, departmental student representative by-elections do not take place and the position remains vacant until the next by-election or ordinary election. |
Student Support Center | How are the elections held? | |
Student Support Center | Student Council elections are held every two years. Elections are held in accordance with an election calendar determined and announced by the Election Committee on the basis of a calendar, duration and program to be determined by the Higher Education Council. Votes are cast by secret ballot and as determined by the Election Committee. The votes are cast electronically in the following manner: Elections are held through student page (SIS). The voting is completed by clicking on ‘Vote’ or ‘Blank Vote.’ One can vote within 72 hours. After logging into SIS page with student password, click on ‘Vote’ button on the main page. You can log into the voting page with your identity number (Turkish Republic ID Number for Turkish citizens, passport number for international students) |
Student Support Center | Who can vote in the elections? | Voter lists are prepared by the Student Affairs and announced upon the approval of the Election Board. Voting criteria are as follows: With the exclusion of special students, minor degree students, and equivalency students, students who are registered in an associate degree or undergraduate program of the relevant department and benefit from student rights can vote in the elections. Double-major students can vote in the elections of their own department and the department in which they study a second major. Special students and equivalency students do not have a right to vote in the elections. Minor degree students do not have a right to vote in the elections of the department in which they study their minor degree. Students who freeze their enrollment during the semester when the elections are held, who are on leave, excused or apply for these procedures on the dates including the election days, and who are suspended on the election dates cannot cast a vote in the elections. Each student has one vote and the vote must be cast personally not vicariously. |
Student Support Center | How is the Council President elected? | The student representative of the unit that is determined alphabetically from İstanbul Bilgi University’s faculty/vocational high school names takes on the position of Student Council President. The duties of the student council president are as follows: Representing the students of the university in national and international student activities, Setting the agenda for Student Council Administrative Board meetings, sending the meeting invitations, and presiding over the meetings, Ensuring that the decisions of the Administrative Board are announced and keeping track of their implementation, Inviting Student Council General Board to the meeting, Presenting the annual activities reports to Student Council General Board, Upon the invitation of the Rectorate, attending the meetings that concern students, Representing İstanbul Bilgi University Student Council in National Student Council. |
Student Support Center | What are the resources of student clubs? How can I become a member of a student club? How many student clubs does our University have? Can I become a member of more than one clubs? | Student clubs are supported financially and emotionally between May-June of each academic year in accordance with their activity plan. For their financial budget requests, a detailed application should be made to the Coordination Office of Student Clubs at least a month before the planned activity. You can become a member of a student club by visiting club stands during student club days or you can always reach the relevant people on our website through e-mail. There are approximately 100 active student clubs, which are subsumed under ‘Clubs with Academic Content,’ ‘ Clubs with Sports and Arts Content,’ ‘Social Responsibility and Hobby Clubs.’ You can become a member of any number of clubs that you would like to join. |
Student Support Center | How can I establish a new student club? What should we do when we would like to organize an event on campus? What should we do when we would like to organize an event off-campus? Can we get a sponsor for our event? | You can apply to Coordination Office of Student Clubs between May-June of each academic year and reach the list of active student clubs. In case there is no active clubs in the area that you are interested in, you can fill out ‘Club Directive’ and ‘Annual Activity Plan’, and make your application by finding a minimum of 10 members and an advisor instructor for the club. For any event that you would like to organize, you should contact the Coordination Office of Student Clubs at least 15 days before the event, fill out an ‘activity form’ indicating the place, date, and goal of the event, and receive approval. You can get sponsorship from lawful institutions and organizations that could be beneficial for our University and students. You need to receive the approval of the Coordination Office of Student Clubs for the Sponsorship file that you will prepare before the event. |
Student Support Center | What are the sports team at BİLGİ? | BİLGİ has women volleyball, swimming, table tennis, American football, triathlon, sailing, skiing-snowboard, football, futsal, frisbee, rugby, flag football, rowing, water polo teams attached to University Sports Federation of Turkey and carry out successful activities. |
Student Support Center | When are the selections made for the teams? Who can be a part of the teams? | At the beginning of each academic year, selections are made for the branches where there is need for new team mates within the first one month after the beginning of classes. The announcements are hung on all campuses and are shared on the website. Athletes who can play sports and who can play at the league in which our teams are included can join the teams. |
Student Support Center | What are the requirements for receiving Sports Scholarship? | Students who have reached the level of national team in the branches where İstanbul Bilgi University participates in inter-university competitions or who have achieved high performance upon being selected for the university team, albeit not for the national team, can receive non-refundable ‘sports scholarship’ upon the proposal of the Sports Coordination Office at the rates that Scholarship Committee will determine. Other than prioritizing the educational achievements of students, the rationale behind this scholarship is to ensure that the students represent İstanbul Bilgi University in the university team of their own branch. The branches for which the scholarship will granted is determined by the Scholarship Committee informed by the opinion of the Sports Unit. Sports Scholarship is valid for 2 years in English Preparatory Program (valid for programs in which the medium of instruction is English), 4 years in undergraduate programs, and 2 years in associate degree programs. It does not include summer school. Sports scholarship is discontinued if a student’s GPA falls below 2.00. |
Library | What are the working hours of the library? | You can follow the library hours from the link below: Libraries are closed on public holidays and remain open for longer hours during examination periods. Library hours are subject to change if required. |
Library | How can I request books through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) | Academics, master’s degree and doctoral students who are registered to the library can benefit from this service. Interlibrary Loan system acquires the books and articles that are not included in BİLGİ Library from other libraries upon the request of the users. Users can submit their ILL requests online to the library through |
Library | How can I read e-books? | There are more than 600.000 e-books in our Library’s e-resource collection. Our students can read these books both on and off-campus or they can borrow these books through our e-library with their computers, tablets, mobile devices, or the e-book readers of our library. In this way, our students can continue to read these e-books when there is no internet connection. |
Library | How can I create PIN? | Click on My Library Account on library pages. Write your name and ID number (your school number/registration number) and leave the PIN field blank and click on Submit. In the page that will be opened, you will be asked to create a new PIN. After entering your code twice, click on Submit. You will be required to use this PIN code for your every login. |
Library | I forgot my password. What should I do? | You can use My Account ( on the library page and renew your password by using ‘Forgot Your PIN’ ( option. |
Library | How can I extend the duration of the source that I have borrowed? | If someone else has not put a hold on the borrowed material, the duration can be extended. The duration of a material can be extended twice through website. This procedure cannot be carried out by phone or e-mail. The extension should be done before the material’s return date. It is the responsibility of the user to extend the duration. Users should perform the extension procedure of the material that they bring to the library on their own by using the counters in the library. |
Library | How can I pay the fine for overdue library materials? | You can pay your fine to the bank account indicated below. After you pay the fine, you can send your receipt to or take a printout and submit it to the library. For more information, you can check İstanbul Bilgi University Library and e-Resources Overdue Sources Library Policy from Garanti Bank Beyoğlu Commercial Branch Branch No: 1671 IBAN: TR450006200167100006201302 Please write ‘Library Overdue Fine, <Name Surname>’ to the explanation area. |
Library | Can İstanbul Bilgi University alumni benefit from the Library? | Alumni need to fill out ‘library registration form’ and create a new registration in order to use İstanbul Bilgi University Libraries. Our alumni can use audio-visual, printed, and electronic sources in our libraries on our campuses, borrow printed sources, and use the sources in accordance with copyrights. Pursuant to license agreements, e-resources can only accessed on campus. |
On Campus Student Employment Program | When can I apply to On Campus Student Employment Program? What are the application requirements for On Campus Student Employment Program? In which units can I work? | You can make your application by following the announcements that are published on our website at the beginning of each academic year and during summer months (if need be). Students who have completed English Preparatory Program and can begin their undergraduate/associate degree education, whose GPA is 2.00 and above, who have not received any disciplinary punishment, not suspended their enrollment, who are not doing internship can apply for the program. You can work in our University’s administrative and academic units, and research centers. Announcements include the qualifications that the units look for and information about the job description. In addition, you can find detailed information on On Campus Student Employment tab on ‘’ website of Career Center. You can obtain this information from the Office of On Campus Student Employment Program for interim applications. Applications are also taken for interim periods for the vacant positions. Please follow the announcements. |
On Campus Student Employment Program | What are the assessment criteria for On Campus Student Employment Program? | For your application to be accepted, having ÖSYS scholarship, documenting financial need, having the required qualifications, and having the course schedule for the required working hours are preferred election criteria. You should complete your banking procedures and submit your documents on time for your SGK entry. You are required to follow the working schedule, carry out the tasks assigned by the unit professional in line with the job description, and observe the procedures. When your application is not accepted, it is recorded to be assessed for interim periods in case there is a vacant position. You can repeat your application in each academic year and during summer months. |
On Campus Student Employment Program | When I begin to work as part of On Campus Student Employment Program, does this have a negative effect on my courses? | Your working schedule is planned considering your course schedule in your department. Your time that is left from the courses are included in your working schedule and you can work 5 or at most 10 hours a week. If you think that the work affects your academic achievement, please inform the relevant unit professional about this situation. |
On Campus Student Employment Program | How will I be supported if I start to work as part of On Campus Student Employment Program? | If you are accepted to the Program, you will receive monthly food support, a fee, and SGK. The support that you will receive with a maximum of 40 hours per month is determine by the Board of Trustees at the beginning of each academic year and announced accordingly. |
On Campus Student Employment Program | Can I work as part of On Campus Student Employment Program while studying at English Preparatory Program? | In order to work as part of the Program, you should complete English Preparatory Program. |
BİLGİ Talent-Talent Development and Internship Coordination Office | What are the working hours of Talent Development and Internship Coordination Office? Are the services provided by the Office subject to any fee? How can I apply? Does the Office find me a job/internship? Can my friends out of İstanbul Bilgi University attend the events of the Office? | You can reach us by visiting santralistanbul Campus ÇSM 110 between 08:30-17:00. All the activities of the Office are free of charge. The Office is liaison office approved by İŞKUR; however, the Office aims to make sure that our students and alumni acquire the skills that they will need throughout their lives rather than finding them jobs. You can view the job and internship postings of the institutions on the website of the Office and apply to them; however, it does not mean that the Office has agreements with these firms. The application process takes place between the firm and the applicant. All of our activities are exclusive to BİLGİ students and alumni. All our students studying at all departments and our alumni can benefit from all our services except for internship. |
BİLGİ Talent-Talent Development and Internship Coordination Office | Which services are available in Talent Management and Internship Coordination Office? Does the Office guide me to the jobs that match my profile? | Writing a CV-statement of purpose-motivation letter, mock interviews, coaching and counselling are the services that we provide to students in one-to-one interviews. You can acquire information about these service through or on Please make an appointment for these services; otherwise, people who would help you could be in another interview. In addition, as part of university-sector collaboration, we have various certificate programs, self-help, and introduction to professional life seminars. Mentorship programs are conducted so as to strengthen the student-alumni relations. We also have programs that we implement in collaboration with NGOs. For our currently active programs and detailed information, you can visit Talent Development and Internship Coordination Office posts suitable internship and job opportunities for you; however, it does not guide you to a particular job. It instead helps you discover your own potential and create your own opportunities through coaching, counselling, certificate programs, seminars and many other activities. You can check the postings on BİLGİ Career for internship and job opportunities. |
BİLGİ Talent-Talent Development and Internship Coordination Office | What is voluntary internship? What are its advantages? What should I do to do voluntary internship? | In addition to ‘compulsory applied trainings’ that are prerequisites for graduation, voluntary internships are done by students so as to acquire experience. Thanks to voluntary internships, many of our students have the chance to ascertain what they really want to do in their careers. Besides, voluntary internships help you create a competitive network in the professional world. As Talent Development and Internship Office, we pay the SGK premiums of our students for their voluntary internships as of their first year. This provides our students a competitive edge in finding and having an internship position. At least two weeks before the internship (10 working days), you should submit the required documents to the Office. You can find the details on this page: |
BİLGİ Talent-Talent Development and Internship Coordination Office | What is the difference between coaching and counselling? What is Mentorship Program? | Counseling sessions are individualized sessions for students and alumni who know what they want to do with their careers but do not know how to do it. We have three counsellors. Coaching on the other hand is a service in which our students and alumni can find answers to the questions like ‘What do I want?’, ‘How can I do it?’, ‘Where do I begin?.’ A coaching session lasts for 45 minutes-1 hour. Coaching helps students rediscover themselves. In individualized sessions, they can face with their emotional states and try to learn more about themselves. Coaching helps them see and improve their competencies and skills of which they are unaware. Coaching can be described as a sort of explorative journey. In the Office, two trained coaches work. Two types of coaching are provided: Gestalt coaching and general coaching. Gestalt coaching is given by Canan Tütüncükara and general coaching is given by Duygu Biricik Gülseren. For coaching to be effective, we advise our students and alumni to receive 8-10 sessions on average. If you want to continue coaching sessions, you can continue. Coachees can easily see the benefit of this service in themselves and in their lives. Our alumni who have at least 3-5 years of work experience serve as mentors and are matched with students who plan to pursue careers in a related field. Students have the opportunity to meet their mentors individually for a period of 6 months. Alumni who wish to be a part of our mentorship program can send their CVs to |
BİLGİ Talent-Talent Development and Internship Coordination Office | What are the selection criteria for certificate programs? How can I receive a certificate of participation in these programs? Do certificate programs provide internship opportunities? | Each certificate program has its own selection criteria but they are usually open to third- and fourth-year students. More detailed information is included in the announcement document of each program. Students are accepted to the program in accordance with their application date. Students are qualified to receive a certificate of participation depending on their attendance and the content of the program. |
Global Talent Management | What are the differences between Erasmus and Bilateral Exchange Programs? | Erasmus Student Exchange takes place with the joint universities in EU countries. Erasmus exchange students can receive a grant in order to meet some of their expenses during their Erasmus education. Bilateral Exchange Programs refer to the exchange programs that are carried out with the joint universities in North America and in other places across the world. In this exchange programs, students are required to cover all of their living expenses with the exception of university’s tuition fee. |
Global Talent Management | Which is the best year to join exchange programs? Do I delay my graduation if I join an exchange program abroad? | Undergraduate students are advised to join an exchange program during their third year. Students should make their applications in their second year to join exchange programs and become an exchange student during their third year. Students can transfer the courses that they successfully complete abroad to BİLGİ in accordance with the equivalency principle. Students who become an exchange student in their third year can complete their required course load for graduation upon their return and graduate as planned. |
Global Talent Management | I am a double-major student at BİLGİ. Can I join an exchange program with my second major? | Students can join an exchange program with either of their majors. They cannot join an exchange program as part of their minor degree. |
Global Talent Management | Can I choose the university for the exchange? How well should I know the language of the country that I will go? | Students can list their preferences in their application forms. Student Selection Committee will consider their preferences. Students are not required to know the language of the host country. Many of the joint universities provide an education in English for international students. Students can consult the Erasmus Coordinators of their own departments or check the website of the universities for the medium of instruction and English courses. However, it is an advantage to know the language if the host country. It is also possible to learn the language of the host county during exchange. |
Global Talent Management | What is the financial cost of an exchange program? Do I have to pay the tuition fee of BİLGİ with the tuition fee of the host university? | Families might need to provide a certain amount of financial support for exchange programs. Living expenses might be more expensive in some countries. The student counsellors in Erasmus Office can provide guidance to students regarding the living expenses in different countries. Students can also receive a grant accounting for half of their monthly living expenses in Erasmus program. Students are required to pay their tuition fee to BİLGİ not to the host country in all exchange programs. Students who are exempt from tuition fee as part of ÖSYM will be exempt from BİLGİ tuition fee during their exchange programs. |
Global Talent Management | How can I receive a student visa? Is it required to have health insurance before going to the host country? Does the cost university have to provide accommodation for me? | Students are required to make their own visa and residency applications. If required, Erasmus Office can provide some documents to facilitate the application process. Students are required to have health insurance before going to the host country. The host university does not have to provide accommodation for international students; however, many universities reserve a dormitory room for international students provided that they apply on time and provide information on accommodation. |
Global Talent Management | How can I choose the courses that I will take during the exchange? Can I transfer my language credits to BİLGİ? How will the grades that I receive during the exchange period affect my GPA? Can I change my Education Agreement during my exchange period? Can I extend the exchange period for another semester? | Host universities publish their course catalogues on their websites or provide information to the students regarding the existing courses through e-mail. Students choose their courses before they go to the exchange and prepare their Learning Agreement with the assistance of their Departmental Erasmus Coordinators at BİLGİ. Students can generally transfer their language courses provided with ECTS credits to BİLGİ as elective courses. The courses that are successfully completed during the exchange period will be transferred to BİLGİ with the letter ‘p’ denoting that the course is passed. The grades will not be transferred and your GPA at BİLGİ will not be affected. Students can change the courses in their Learning Agreements during the add/drop period of the host universities and within the first month following the beginning of the semester. Erasmus students cannot extend the duration of their exchange programs. |
Global Talent Management | Which documents should I prepare before I go abroad for an exchange program? |
You should prepare the following documents and submit them to the Student Affairs Office:
1. A copy of the Learning Agreement 2. Course Equivalency Form 3. Exchange Permission Form 4. A copy of the Acceptance Letter You should submit the following documents to the Erasmus Office: 1. Original copy of the Learning Agreement 2. Student Exchange Agreement (only for those students receiving a grant) |
Global Talent Management | Which documents should I bring back to BİLGİ upon my return? |
You should submit the following documents to BİLGİ units:
1. An official transcript should be submitted to the Student Affairs Office and a copy of the transcript should be submitted to Erasmus Office 2. The original copy of the Learning Agreement should be submitted to the Student Affairs Office and Erasmus Office 3. Participation Certificate should be submitted to Erasmus Office |
Global Talent Management | Can I join Erasmus mobility more than once? | Yes, students can receive Erasmus Education and Erasmus Internship Mobility grant once or more than once during every level of their higher education (undergraduate, master’s degree, doctoral) for 12 months in total. Students who reach a total of 12 months-mobility can benefit from mobility with the approval of the Faculty on the condition that they will not receive a grant. Receiving an internship mobility grant does not prevent students from receiving education mobility grant. Students can receive grants for both mobility programs as long as the total duration does not exceed 12 months. |
English Preparatory Program | I lost the document that was given during registration. Can I take the exam without that document? | The place and hours of the examination are announced on student pages in the announcements section. You can take the exam with your identity card. |
English Preparatory Program | I will start my education at İstanbul Bilgi University this year. But I do not have information regarding my classrooms and when the classes start. How can I learn them? How many months does each level last? What are the hours of the classes in English Preparatory Program? | Your course schedule and all detailed information are announced on your SIS page. Each level lasts for 2 months. Course hours vary depending on students’ levels. |
English Preparatory Program | I am a Level 5 student. I did not go to the summer school. Should I take BİLET 1 or BİLET 2? | Level 5 students can directly take BİLET 2 ‘Exemption Exam.’ |
English Preparatory Program | I am a Level 5 student but I cannot view BİLET 1 exam information on my student page. | Since BİLET 1 exam is for placement and leveling up, students at the highest level do not receive BİLET 1 announcements. |
English Preparatory Program | How can I receive the document with my score showing that I finished English Preparatory Program or a student certificate? | You can request the relevant document from your student page. |
English Preparatory Program | Can I learn about the equivalent exams and the required scores in order to be exempt from English Preparatory Program? Is there any university with which BİLGİ has an agreement abroad for English Preparatory Program? | The required scores from international exams for exemption from English Preparatory Program vary depending on the department. You can check exemption requirements and scores from For detailed information about the universities abroad with which BİLGİ has agreements: |
English Preparatory Program | How does medical and excuse procedures work in English Preparatory Program? | Health reports and excuses for absence are assessed in line with the rules indicated on BİLGİ website and the accepted reports/documents are put into operation. |
English Preparatory Program | I am an English Preparatory Program student but I do not know which exam I will take. | Level 1, 2, 3, 4 students can take BİLET 1 exam. Their attendance in the exam is not compulsory; however, we advise them to take the exam so that they can raise their levels. |
English Preparatory Program | Which campus and to whom I can submit my English Preparatory Program exemption language proficiency document for approval? | You can submit your document to Burcu Karataş on Kuştepe Campus. |
English Preparatory Program | I entered the University last year. Can I take BİLET exams without renewing my financial registration? | Yes, you can take the exams. Information is provided on SIS a few days prior to the exam. |
English Preparatory Program | I have been placed at İstanbul Bilgi University with additional placement. When are the exams held and when do the classes begin? | BİLET 1 placement exam information will be provided on your ‘registration is complete’ document after your registration to the University. Exam results, BİLET 2 exam information, and course schedule will be announced on student pages. |
English Preparatory Program | Is the cost of books included in my tuition fee? Is there any place that I can receive assistance outside of the classes? | The cost of books is not included in the tuition fee. Our students can purchase the course books from the Bookstore on Kuştepe Campus. Kuştepe Campus Writing Center provide service to students in off-class studies during weekdays. You need to make an appointment to receive the assistance of Writing Center. In addition, students can also study with their course instructors outside the class. |
English Preparatory Program | Can I object to the test results upon receiving a lower score than I expect in BİLET exams or Achievement Test? | Yes. After the grades are announces, you can submit a petition of objection to Student Advisor Burcu Karataş within 3 days. |
English Preparatory Program | I would like to raise my level with BİLET 2 exam. | BİLET 2 exam does not raise or decrease one’s level. |
English Preparatory Program | Should I make a payment to take BİLET 2 exam or where should I register? | All of our students at English Preparatory Program can directly take BİLET exams without renewing their financial records. When BİLET 2 results are announced, they can renew their financial records depending on their pass/fail status. |
English Preparatory Program | I will take BİLET 1 exam. If I get a lower score than my current level, will I continue from a lower level? | No. Only the scores for higher levels are accepted for the student. |
English Preparatory Program | What is the difference between BİLET 1 & BİLET 2 examinations? Can I obtain information about the contents of BİLET exams? Is there any exam sample for BİLET 2? | BİLET 1 exam is a placement test that includes 20 reading, 30 grammar, and 2 short paragraph questions. Since it is a multiple-choice exam, there is no sample. BİLET 2 exam includes a reading, writing, and talking section and lasts for two days. You can access the exam details from For BİLET 2 sample exam, you can visit BİLET 1 is a level placement exam that new students take. Existing students take the exam to determine their current level. BİLGİ 2 is an exemption exam from English Preparatory Program. |
English Preparatory Program | If I fail at summer school or I don’t go to summer school, do I have a right to take exemption exam? | Yes. Students who do not go to summer school or who fail at summer school can take BİLET 2 Exemption Exam in September. |
English Preparatory Program | Can a student who completes English Preparatory Program in February begin his/her departmental studies? | Students who complete the Program in February can begin their departmental studies as irregular students and if they do not want to do so, they can suspend their enrollment for a semester. They need to consult their advisors for the courses that they can take. |
Psychological Counseling Unit | Does Psychological Counseling Unit charge any fee for their services? Can I get an appointment for an acquaintance? I am a BİLGİ alumnus. Can I benefit from the services of the Unit? | All the services of Psychological Counseling Unit are solely open to İstanbul Bilgi University students and staff, and are free of charge. Our alumni cannot benefit from individual interview service and group works; however, the Unit can try to provide guidance to our alumni for trustworthy and affordable recourses. Psychological counseling processes are carried out on a voluntary basis. For this reason, the person who seeks help should make his/her application himself/herself in order to increase the effectiveness of the process. If you think someone you know needs help, you can direct him/her to the Unit for making an appointment. |
Psychological Counseling Unit | How can I make an appointment from Psychological Counselling Unit? | Psychological Counselling Unit works with appointments with the exception of emergencies. In order to make an appointment, fill out the Application Form on the webpage and send it to the Unit via e-mail or submit it to the Office. For emergencies, you are recommended to come directly to the Office of the Unit during working hours and go to the nearest health institution outside of working hours. For detailed information: |
Psychological Counseling Unit | I sent my application. How long does it take to have an appointment? | Your application is forwarded to a psychological counselor as soon as possible and you are informed about your appointment. Appointment process can take 2-4 weeks during busy periods. Providing as many days and hours as possible at the end of the application form can accelerate your appointment process. |
Psychological Counseling Unit | Is the information I write on the application form and what I tell during the sessions kept confidential? | In Psychological Counseling Unit, personal information and the content of the sessions are strictly kept confidential as long as you do not give permission. However, in case there is a possibility that you or someone else may be harmed or there is a life-threatening situation, necessary people can be contacted. Even under those circumstances, your approval is sought before someone else is called. |
Student Affairs | What are the working hours of the Student Affairs Office? | Undergraduate/Associate Degree Student Affairs Office work between 8:30-17:00 on weekdays. Graduate Student Affairs Office work between 9:00-19:00 on weekdays throughout the academic year. |
Student Affairs | How can I reach Student Affairs Office? | We have a Student Affairs Office on every campus. Office addresses and contact information are indicated below: Dolapdere Campus Hacıahmet Mahallesi Pir Hüsamettin Sokak No:20 34440 Beyoğlu İstanbul Santralistanbul Campus Silahtarağa Power Plant Kazım Karabekir Cad. No:2/13 34060 Eyüp İstanbul Fax: 0212 625 98 34 (English Preparatory Program and Vocational School of Health Services & School of Advanced Vocational Studies) Kuştepe Campus İnönü Cad. No:6 Kuştepe 34387 Şişli/İstanbul Graduate Student Affairs Office: Santralistanbul Campus, L1 Building Silahtarağa Power Plant Kazım Karebekir Cad. No: 2/13 34060 Eyüp İstanbul 0212 311 73 57 – 0212 311 71 76 |
Student Affairs | What is Academic Calendar and how can I reach it? What is an academic year? | Academic Calendar is a timing guide that a student will use during an academic year. It is determined for each academic year by the Academic Board and published on the website. Registration and examination dates and important application dates are indicated in Academic Calendar. Our students should follow the calendar, especially regarding issues such as course registration and add/drop. Otherwise, they might lose their rights. Academic year is the educational year that consists of at least two semesters. |
Student Affairs | Who is academic advisor? | Each student is assigned an advisor by the executive board of the relevant faculty upon the proposal of the enrolled department starting from the first year. Our students obtain the approval of their advisors for their course schedule at the beginning of each semester. Academic advisors help students take extra courses or take elective courses in line with their fields of interest. All sorts of changes in their course schedules are approved by their academic advisors. |
Student Affairs | Where can I view the credits that I have to take and the curriculum? | You can view the credits and the curriculum from ‘Academic Information’ section on your student page. |
Student Affairs | Where can I access information regarding issues such as course contents, course schedule, and examination dates? | You can access the information regarding your registered courses from and Programs announce the examination dates and course schedules. |
Student Affairs | Where can I receive information about the course contents? | You can make a search under ‘Course Catalog’ on your student page. |
Student Affairs | I forgot my BİLGİ Learn, SIS or passwords. How can I learn my password? | There is one password for SIS (Student Page), BİLGİ Online, Library, and BİLGİ e-mail. In case you forget your password, you can write ‘bilgipass’ and send an sms to 2322 and obtain a temporary password. You need to change your password when you login. You can create your new password by following the steps described under ‘Password Change’ on SIS. You can create a new password by verifying your registered personal information: |
Student Affairs | My address and/or contact information changed. What should I do? | You can change your contact information from SIS. Your phone number and e-mail addresses should be updated so that you can change the password that you use to login to your student page or the academics and administrative staff can reach if required. |
Student Affairs | Can I be registered to a course before taking its prerequisite? | If you would like to do so, you can ask for consent from the instructor of the course that you would like to take. |
Student Affairs | How can I reach to the instructor of a course? | Undergraduate/associate degree students can reach the name and surname, contact information, courses, and program of the relevant instructor through ‘Search’ section on the upper right corner of their student page. Graduate students can reach the contact information of an instructor through the administrative assistant of the program or by making a search on |
Student Affairs | Is course attendance compulsory? | Undergraduate/associate degree students are obliged to attend all the courses, laboratory studies, and the exams required by these or the instructor of the course for their registered courses along with other academic studies. Attendance of students are assessed by the instructor of the course. Graduate students have to attend 70% of their courses. |
Student Affairs | How can I make my course registration? | Dates for course registration are indicated in the Academic Calendar. Students are required to make their course registrations during fall and spring semesters. Undergraduate/associate degree students can make their registration online from their student pages by making an appointment beforehand. You have three appointment options for course registration. The first one is the day and hour for your first appointment, the second one is the appointment that you take for the afternoon on the same day, and your last appointment can be in the afternoon on the last day of registration. During course registration week, you are recommended to watch the presentations provided on our website and student pages. For their course registration, graduate students can choose the courses that they will take for that semester from ‘Registration/Course Registration’ on their student pages and obtain the approval of their program coordinator/advisor after choosing their courses. |
Student Affairs | How can I obtain approval for my course registration? | Course registrations of undergraduate/associate degree students are approved by their academic advisors. You need to obtain the approval of your academic advisor until the end the course registration period. For graduate students, ‘registration approval code’ that the system provides after the registration is complete is automatically sent to the program coordinator/advisor. After your course registration is approved, you receive an e-mail. |
Student Affairs | I would to drop a course and add another one after the registration period. How and when I can make this change? | Students can change, drop or add elective courses with the approval of their advisors during ‘Add/Drop’ period in the Academic Calendar. |
Student Affairs | I could not make my course registration between the specified dated. What should I do? | You can contact our Office for your delayed registration request. You can choose courses provided that your excuse is accepted. |
Student Affairs | What is exemption from a course? How can I be exempted from a course? | Undergraduate/associate degree students can apply to Student Affairs Office with a petition addressed to the Faculty Executive Board, official transcript, and approves course contents to obtain exemption for the courses that they took in another higher education institution or at İstanbul Bilgi University as a BİLGİ student. Your application is assessed by the Faculty Executive Board and a made is made accordingly. Graduate students can apply for course exemption when a course they take during undergraduate education or in a different master’s degree program is included in their current program. These applications are conveyed to the programs in the first week of each semester. Students are required to take an elective course to replace the exempted course. One can be exempt from two courses. |
Student Affairs | What is the number of minimum and maximum credits that I can during a semester? | Students’ credit loan per semester is 30 credits. With the exception of Summer School, the maximum credit load for an academic year is 80 credits; however, students cannot exceed 42 credits in a semester. Undergraduate and associate degree students in their first and second semesters cannot exceed their normal credit load apart from the special cases specified in the relevant directive. |
Student Affairs | When and where I can see my course schedule? | Curriculum is announced on the website one week before the course registration week. You can find detailed information about curriculum and the requirements for the courses on your Student Page. You can get your curriculum for the relevant semester from your Student Page. |
Student Affairs | What is Add/Drop? | You can make changes in your course schedule with the approval of your program coordinator/advisor during the add/drop period specified in the Academic Calendar and within the bounds of the minimum and maximum credits. You can drop the course you have taken or take a new class. |
Student Affairs | When and where I can see the midterm and final examination schedule? | Undergraduate and Associate degree students can view the exam dates under ‘Exam’ title on their Student Pages before the exam dates indicated in the Academic Calendar. For graduate students, exam schedule and curriculum are announced by their programs. |
Student Affairs | What is double major? Who can apply to double major? | Double major education is when a student enrolled in an undergraduate program continues another undergraduate program to receive a second undergraduate diploma. Application Terms •Completing the compulsory courses and the credit load for the undergraduate program that one is registered to at the start of the semester when the application is made and being successful in all courses. •Having a minimum GPA of 3.00 •Ranking among the first %20 of his/her program in terms of success (in case the students take courses in summer schools of the university or other higher education institutions, the ranking after the summer school’s completion is taken into consideration) •Meeting the special conditions of the applied program (Prerequisite courses and achievement ranking) Application dates are announced by the Student Affairs Office before the academic year begins. Students can apply for double major during their third semester at the earliest and during their fifth semester at the latest. |
Student Affairs | What is Minor? Who can apply to receive a Minor degree? | Minor program is where a student enrolled in an undergraduate program takes courses from a second undergraduate program to increase their knowledge. Registered undergraduate program is called ‘major’ and the undergraduate program to which one’s application is accepted is called ‘minor.’ Application Terms • A minimum of 2.60 GPA over 4.00 • Completing the compulsory courses and the credit load for the undergraduate program that one is registered to at the start of the semester when the application is made and being successful in all courses. Application dates are announced by the Student Affairs Office before the start of the academic year. Applications can be made to minor programs at the start of the third semester at the earliest and at the start of the sixth semester at the latest. Only undergraduate students can apply to minor programs. |
Student Affairs | What is make-up exam? Who can take make-up exams? | Pursuant to the higher education direction, students are given the right to exercise their make-up exam right for the courses that they fail. The grade that is obtained in the make-up exam is considered as finale exam grade in calculating the final grade. Students who do not meet the criteria to be accepted to the final exams cannot take a make-up exam. |
Student Affairs | How and until when can I withdraw from a course that I have taken? | Undergraduate/associate degree students can only withdraw from elected courses within the period specified in the Academic Calendar. You can withdraw from a course from your Student Page. You cannot drop the elective courses from which you received an F. Graduate students can withdraw from a registered course until the date specified in the Academic Calendar. In order to withdraw from a course, student should use the ‘Withdrawal’ link on their Student Pages and receive the approval of their program coordinator/advisor with the ‘security number’ assigned by the system. You cannot withdraw from a course that is repeated because of an ‘F’ or from a thesis course. |
Student Affairs | Can I repeat a course that I have succesfully passed? | Undergraduate and associate degree students can repeat the courses for which they have received a passing note (D, D+, C-). You cannot repeat a course for which you have received C or a grade above C. If you do not have a GPA of 2.80 in order to graduate, you can repeat your course for which you received C+. |
Student Affairs | If I fail a course that I have taken, what should I do? | A student who received F from a core course has to repeat that course during the first semester the course is offered in accordance with his/her credit load and the rules regarding course selection. A student who received F from an elective course can repeat that course or take another elective course. Students have to contact the instructor of the course in order to object to the course grade. |
Student Affairs | I received F from a course. Will I make a payment for it? | Only the scholarship students make a payment for the failed course. In case you fail a course (including non-credit courses and thesis/project), you are required to pay the credit cost in line with your scholarship. |
Student Affairs | What does unsatisfactory status mean for a student? | Students who cannot raise their GPA above 1.75 for two successive semesters are deemed unsatisfactory students in the following semester. These students can take maximum 30 credits. They first have to repeat their failed courses that are offered in that semester. |
Student Affairs | Can someone else get my printed diploma for me? | You have to give a power of attorney from the notary to the relevant person so that s/her can get your diploma for you. |
Student Affairs | Can I take courses from another university? | For undergraduate/associate degree students, issues such as the maximum number of courses and credits that can be taken from other higher education institutions, the minimum required GPA, the semester during which students can take these courses, their status, whether courses that the student conditionally passed can be taken or not are specified by the Faculty/Vocational School Executive Boards. Graduate students can take courses from another university. In order to be exempted from the course that is taken, you need to apply to your department and the Institute with your transcript |
Student Affairs | What is the vertical transfer procedure? | Vertical transfer refers to students’ transfer from a two-year associate degree program to a four-years undergraduate program through a central exam (DGS) performed by ÖSYM. Vocational School graduates or last year students can apply to DGS on the date specified by ÖSYM. Students who are placed with DGS need to fill out Course Exemption Form in order to be exempt from the courses that they have taken previously and apply to the Student Affairs Office with an official transcript demonstrating the courses they took in their associate degree program and with the course contents. |
Student Affairs | What is the internal transfer procedure? Who can apply for internal transfer? | You can transfer from your registered program to another program. Graduate students should meet the requirements that are indicated below: •Completing at least 25% of the course and credit load of your registered program, •A minimum of 2.80 GPA (3.20 for doctoral students), •Half of your total credits for the courses you have taken should be similar to your applied master’s degree/doctoral program’s curriculum or subject, •You can apply to internal transfer until the end of the second semester at the latest. •You are required to complete at least 50% credits of the master’s degree/doctoral program that you are transferred. |
Student Affairs | What is the external transfer procedure? Who can apply for external transfer? | İngilizcesi olmayan sayfalara yönlendiriyor. Boş bırakıyorum o yüzden bunu. |
Student Affairs | What is Diploma Supplement? How can I receive it? | Diploma Supplement (DS) is a complimentary and explanatory document given by higher education institutions in addition to a diploma. Diploma Supplement helps the education that the university graduates receive be recognized in other countries and educational systems and provide detailed information about the graduate student’s academic ranking, level, content, and professional competencies. Diploma Supplement is prepared automatically and free of charge for all graduate students of İstanbul Bilgi University in a commonly used European language (English). Your diploma supplement will be sent to your e-mail address as e-signed together with your diploma. The Benefits of Diploma Supplement for Students: •Having a diploma that is more easily understood abroad and is comparable, •Presenting a perfect description of a student’s academic improvement and the competencies s/he acquires during his/her education, •Providing an objective expression of a student’s achievements and proficiencies, •Easier access to job postings or advanced opportunities abroad •Supporting employment |
Student Affairs | When and where can I get my diploma? | Diplomas are prepared with e-signature within the two months at the latest after the graduation date. Diploma and diploma supplement are prepared with e-signature and sent to tour e-mails (… through our University’s Electronic Document Management System. If required, you can send the diploma and/or diploma supplement that has been sent you to the institutions as e-mail. If you would like to get your printed diploma, you need to make a request on SIS by selecting Other from Document Request section. |
Student Affairs | I lost my diploma. Can I get a new diploma? | Requests for lost diplomas are prepared with e-signature regardless of the graduation year. Graduate students who request their diploma only with e-signature will not be charged any fee. Undergraduate/associate degree students can make an application to for their e-signed diplomas. Graduate students can make an application to for their e-signed diplomas. If you request a printed diploma: You need to make an application to the Graduate Student Affairs in person with an announcement placed in a newspaper stating ‘I lost my diploma arranged by…. on…. with….number. Since I will get a new one, the old one is null and void’ and by depositing 100 TL to the bank number indicated below. TL ACCOUNT Bank: Garanti Bank Branch: Çağlayan Şube Kodu: 403 Branch Code: 6201302 IBAN: TR20 0006 2000 4030 0006 2013 02 Account Name: İstanbul Bilgi University |
Student Affairs | How can I take summer school courses from outside of the University? | Faculty and vocational school executive boards are authorized to determine the maximum number of courses and credits that can be taken from other higher education institutions as long as the number is under the course and credit number determined in the directive, the minimum GPA, the semester, class, and the status of the students who can take courses, whether passing a course conditionally pose an obstacle or not. |
Student Affairs | Is there a financial cost of taking additional courses? What is the bank information for the payment of additional charge? | If you would like to take an additional course, you have to pay a fee per course. The amount may vary depending on the program and year. Payments through EFT / Money Order Bank Account Number: Garanti Bank Çağlayan Branch 6295673 IBAN NO: TR96 0006 2000 4030 0006 2956 73 Recipient: İstanbul Bilgi University |
Student Affairs | What should I do to take a course from a different program? | SORU VE CEVAP UYUŞMUYOR. |
Student Affairs | What is GPA? What is GPA for the semester? | GPA is the cumulative grade point average for all the courses you have taken up until your current semester. Semester GPA is the grade point average at the end of an academic semester. For detailed information, you can check Article 24 of İstanbul Bilgi University Credit System Undergraduate and Associate Degree Education and Examination Directive |
Student Affairs | What should I do in order to delay my military service? | Undergraduate/associate degree students can delay their military service until they are 28 on the condition that their student rights still apply. For this, students need to make their course registration for the relevant semester and year. Graduate students should submit a document during registration showing the current military service status so that their military service can be deferred. Deferment requests are generally accepted as long as you did your final military roll call or you do not seem to be registered in a different educational institution. Average deferment duration is 3 years for master’s degree students with thesis; 1,5 years for master’s degree students without thesis, and 6 years for doctoral students. Graduate students can learn about their military service status from Graduate Student Affairs Office or through e-devlet. |
Student Affairs | How can I get İstanbulcard (İETT travel card)? | Students who are placed in İstanbul Bilgi University through ÖSYS are given their İstanbulcard during their registration. Students who do not have İstanbulcard or lost it need to personally make an application to İETT. Click for İstanbulcard application: |
Student Affairs | How can I suspend my enrollment? How many semesters can I suspend my enrollment? What are the terms of enrollment suspension? When can I make an application to suspend my enrollment? | Enrollment suspension terms are stipulated in the relevant article of Credit System Undergraduate and Associate Degree Education and Examination Directive. Pursuant to this article, students can suspend their enrollment in case of severe and chronic illness, military service, imprisonment or conviction that prevent the student from coming to the University by presenting the required documents. Including English Preparatory Program, students can suspend their enrollment for four semesters during their education. Enrollment is suspended at least for a semester. Enrollment suspension applications can be made in person until a week before the midterm examinations begin. Graduate students can make an application to suspend their enrollment for a total of four semesters for programs with thesis or non-thesis. You can suspend your enrollment only for two successive semesters at a time. In order to suspend enrollment, you need to apply to the Executive Board of the Graduate Institute within 7 weeks after the beginning of the semester with enrollment suspension form and a document illustrating your reason for enrollment suspension. When your application is accepted, your status on your student page is changed to ‘on hold.’ |
Student Affairs | How can I disenroll? | Undergraduate/associate degree students need to make their applications in person or the person who had the power of the attorney should so it. You can complete the procedure by applying to Student Affairs Office and filling out a form. Graduate students can make their applications to the Executive Board of the Institute of Graduate Programs with disenrollment form approved by the Financial Affairs Office. |
Student Affairs | What are the required documents for registration? How can I submit the required documents in case I cannot come to the Student Affairs Office? | Temporary graduation certificate, e-devlet graduation certificate or the notary approved diploma copy (a copy on condition that the original is shown, true copy of the original, notary approved copy). Master’s degree diploma or temporary graduation certificate for doctoral programs. Equivalency certificate for those who received their undergraduate or master’s degree abroad Official transcript Military service status with current date ALES/GMAT/GRE results (for those candidates registered in doctoral programs and programs with thesis or for whom the program requires a document showing the results) English proficiency certificate (TOEFL, YDS, e-YDS or BİLET 3 result for non-thesis master’s degree programs and master’s programs with thesis; TOEFL, YDS or e-YDS results for doctoral programs) International students should submit the following: Notary approved copy of undergraduate diploma (master’s degree diploma for doctoral programs) YÖK approved diploma equivalency certificate Official transcript Original copy of GRE or GMAT exam (if required by the program) Copy of the relevant pages of passport You can send the documents to our Office with shipment. Your file will be prepared and you will be contacted. Address: İstanbul Bilgi University santralistanbul Campus Eski Silahtarağa Power Plant Kazım Karabekir Cad. No: 2/13 34060 Eyüp İstanbul |
Student Affairs | The courses that I would like to take conflict. Can I be registered to these courses? | We recommend that you make your registration after having the approval of your advisor and department. |
Student Affairs | How does registration process take place? | Candidates whose applications are accepted can contact Graduate Student Affairs Office and Financial Affairs Office for submitting their documents for payment. |
Student Affairs | Which credit cards can I use for payments? | Bonus, Shop & Miles, Flexi, Maximum, Cardfinans, Worldcard, Axess, Wings and Fish |
Student Affairs | How does the application to graduate programs proceed? | Application to programs are made by filling out the form on our website within the specified dates. Programs contact the candidates regarding the assessment process. |
Student Affairs | What is make-up exam? Who can take make-up exams? | Application for make-up exams can be made only for the final exam and for cases in which the student is given the right to take a resit exam in accordance with the higher education directive. However, make-up application cannot be made both for final and resit exams. Make-up application is made to the Student Affairs Office following the elimination of the extenuating circumstance and the end of the health report in health-related cases by filling out a printed application form and adding the required documents and report. In required cases, additional time can be granted with the approval of the relevant dean’s office so that the documents can be completed or presented. Make-up applications after these dates are not taken into consideration. At the end of the application period and the additional duration, Student Affairs Office conveys the documents to the Make-up Commission as an entire list that includes information regarding the student, his/her extenuating circumstance, and the required make-up duration. Make-up Commission presents its decisions to the University Executive Board. The decisions that are approved by the University Executive Board are announced in University buildings. Students can object to the decisions regarding make-up applications within three days starting from the announcement day by applying to Student Affairs Office. Objections are reviewed by the University Executive Board and accepted if justified. The decisions given after the objections are final. Final decisions regarding make-up applications are conveyed to the relevant dean’s office for the required procedures. Students whose applications are accepted are given the right to exercise their make-up exam right within the relevant semester. Details regarding make-up exam are specified by instructors or dean’s office. |
Student Affairs | Can I learn my graduation success ranking? | Our undergraduate/associate degree students can learn about their graduation success ranking from Student Affairs Office or request it in writing from the documents section by choosing ‘other’ from your Student Page. Graduate students receive their success ranking in the form of a document prepared by the University. You need to contact Graduate Student Affairs Office in order to request a success ranking. This document is only prepared for alumni. |
Student Affairs | What are the terms for graduation? | Undergraduate/associate degree students who complete the curriculum of their program with a minimum of 2.00 GPA are qualified to graduate from a program. Graduate students are qualified to graduate if they complete all the courses of the program, submit their thesis/project and have a GPA of 2.80 (3.20 for doctoral programs). |
Student Affairs | When are the graduation ceremonies held and who can attend the ceremonie? | Students who are qualified to graduate within the academic year when graduation ceremony is held can attend the ceremony. Graduation ceremonies are held at the end of each academic year at santralistanbul Campus and students are notified about the date one month before. |
Student Affairs | How can I object to my grades? | Undergraduate/associate degree students can apply to Student Affairs Office by filling out ‘Factual Error Form’ within three days following the announcement of grades. Graduate students can contact the Director’s Office of the relevant program and the course instructor or they can apply to the relevant Institute with a Factual Error Form. |
Student Affairs | When and where can I view my grades? | You can view your final exam grades as of the grade announcement day specified in the Academic Calendar from ‘Grade book’ on your Student Page. |
Student Affairs | Which documents can I get from Student Affairs Office and how can I make an application? When can I receive the requested documents? | Undergraduate/associate degree students can receive student certificate, transcript, a certificate showing that they completed English Preparatory Program, disciplinary document, and they can receive a document showing their departmental ranking, enrollment cancellation documents, and a document showing a probable graduation date by using the ‘other’ option on the page. You can choose the relevant document and make your request from your SIS pages for your Student Certificate, Disciplinary Documents, Transcript, English Preparatory Program Exemption, and English Preparatory Program applications. Your document requests will be sent to your e-mail addresses (… through Electronic Document Management System. Student Affairs Office will not provide a printed copy. If you need a copy, you can print out the document that is sent to you or forward the document to the institutions that require it. Other than the documents indicated above, you can make a document request by using ‘Other.’ While using the other option, please fill out ‘what you want to add’ regarding the document you request and mark the number, language, and campus options. Graduate students can receive disciplinary document, student ID card, and printed diploma. They can download their transcript within two working days following their application and the other documents within one working day from the e-signed documents section on their student pages. |
Student Affairs | How and where can I get my student card? I lost my student card. How can I renew it? | The ID cards of our new students are given to them during their registration at our University. Students who have lost their student ID cards can request a new ID card from the relevant Student Affairs Office (Undergraduate/Associate students; santralistanbul Campus Student Affairs Office | Graduate students; santralistanbul Campus Graduate Student Affairs Office) and receive a new ID card. Students who have lost their student ID cards between October 2-6, 2023, the first week of the 2023-2024 Academic Year, can obtain new ID cards free of charge. As of October 9, students who have lost their student ID card and request a new card must first deposit the 100 TL card renewal fee to İstanbul Bilgi University account number below by writing their student number in the explanation section, have the payment receipt approved by Student Accounting and submit the receipt to Student Affairs. Yapı Kredi Bank IBAN: TR80 0006 7010 0000 0077 4809 97 Account Name: İstanbul Bilgi University |
Student Affairs | If I pay the tuition fee after course registrations, can I still register to the courses? | It is not possible for you to make your course registration without paying your tuition fee. For this reason, you should pay your registration fee a week until the registration week at the latest. You can submit a petition for late course registration until a week before the midterm exams. You can make your course registration after your petitions are accepted in University Executive Board. Late course registrations can be made as of the end of add/drop period at the earliest. |
Student Affairs | What is prerequisite? | These are the courses that should be taken and passed previously so that students can take certain courses in their programs. Students can view the contents of the courses and their limitations/conditions (if any) from Course Catalog section on Student Page. |
Student Affairs | What is Honor and High Honors List? How can I be included in these lists? | Undergraduate students who complete their education in eight semesters at the most and with a GPA of 3.50 and above are included in high honor list and the students who complete their education with a GPA of 3.00-3.49 are included in honor list. A special certificate indicating this are provided to students with their diplomas. However, students who receive disciplinary punishment are not included in this list. In the calculation of eight semesters, the duration that the students spend abroad as part of international student exchange programs are not considered. This duration is nine semesters for the students who begin their undergraduate education in spring semester by demonstrating their English proficiency. Associate degree students who complete their education in four semesters at the most and with a GPA of 3.50 and above are included in honor list and students who complete their education with a GPA of 3.00-3-49 are included in honor list. A special certificate indicating this are provided to students with their diplomas. Students who receive disciplinary punishment are not included in these lists. |
Student Affairs | What is the exam to increase one's average? | Students who pass all the courses but who cannot meet graduation conditions only due to the fact that their GPA is under 2.00 and who made their course registrations in the same semester are given an exam right for a course of their own choosing provided that they can increase their GPA to 2.00 or above. In this exam, there is no limitation in terms of highest grade and the grade obtained in the exam replaces the previous grade. Students who fail this exam or who cannot incrase their GPA to 2.00 or above are subject to the rules pertaining to repeating a course. Students with no course registration are not allowed to take an exam. |
Student Affairs | What is consent? | Some courses may require special knowledge. For these courses, students need to obtain consent. You can obtain consent by contacting the instructor of the relevant course. However, obtaining consent does not mean that there is a place in the course. |
Student Affairs | As a special student, can I register for certain courses? | You can register as a special student in certain courses in our University as long as the program approves it. In order to register, you can apply to the Executive Board of the Institute by obtaining the approval of the program coordinator and relevant instructor on the condition that you are an undergraduate student in a university. Your petititon should include a current student certificate and a transcript. |
Student Affairs | Who is a student on probation? | Students whose GPA is below 1.75 during any semester are deemed a student on probation for the next semester. A student on probation cannot take more than their usual credit loan. |
Student Affairs | How do I interpret my exam results? | You can access your exam results in the form of a letter for a numeric grade from your Student Pages. The courses whose results are not announced are viewed as IP and the courses that students fail are viewed as F. The numerical equivalent of the letter grades are as follows: For master’s degree students: Letter Numerical Value Definition A 4.00 Excellent A- 3.70 Excellent B+ 3.30 Good B 3.00 Good B- 2.70 Average C+ 2.30 Conditional Pass (Valid for only master’s degree students not for doctoral students) F 0 Unsuccessful |
Student Affairs | What is single course exam? | Students whose GPA is at least 2.00 and who cannot meet the graduation requirement only due to the fact that they received F from a single course are given an additional exam right. Students whose GPA is below 2.00 and who received F from a single course are given an additional exam right on condition that their GPA increases to 2.00 or above in case they pass the course. There is no limitation in terms of highest grade in the exam and the new grade replaces the old one. Students who fail the additional exam or who cannot increase their GPA to 2.00 or above are subject to the rules pertaining to repeating a course. |
Student Affairs | How do I receive my transcipt? | Students can request a transcript from SIS by following the steps indicated below: Login to SIS. Choose Document Request menu. After choosing ‘Transcipt’ option, click on New Request button and then on Save after reading the explanations and marking the approval box. Your transcript requests will be sent to your e-mails (… through Electronic Document Management System both in Turkish and English as a single file. Student Affairs Office will not provide a printed copy. |
Student Affairs | How many courses can I take in our University's Summer School? | Summer school calendar and course contents are annually published on the website prior to the summer school. The number of total courses that can be taken from other higher education institutions and from the University’s summer school is 3 courses in an academic year and the total ECTS credits cannot exceed 21. |