
ÖSYM (SSPE) Scholarships

ÖSYM scholarships are the nonrefundable scholarships granted to students placed in the contingent for the students with scholarships/discounts and covering the whole or a part of their educational fees as specified in the ÖSYM exam guide. ÖSYM Scholarships continue uninterruptedly for 4 semesters (2 years)* in English Preparatory programs, 12 semesters (6 years) in undergraduate programs and 6 semesters (3 years) in associate degree programs .

The ÖSYM scholarships of students who are placed with the Vertical Transfer Examination (DGS) are valid for a total of 12 semesters, including the periods of study at the higher education institution where the student comes from.

ÖSYM scholarships do not cover Summer School.

Achievement Scholarships

Students who meet all the achievement scholarship criteria stipulated in İstanbul Bilgi University Scholarship Directive, who successfully complete the 2nd and 3rd year at the end of the academic year in which they receive education, whose grade average for the relevant academic year and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is at least 3.70, and who rank among the first three students in Faculty ranking are granted academic achievement scholarship for the next academic year in their tuition fee at rates determined by the Board of Trustees. The scholarship is valid for only one academic year and does not cover the summer school.

Need Based Scholarships

BİLGİ students who need financial support can apply for the Need Based Scholarship if they have continued their education without interruption as an active student registered for at least one academic year and document their financial and moral difficulties. Need scholarship application dates are announced on the university's web homepage ( in May. Online applications must be made within the time period specified in the announcement. The scholarships are granted for one semester or one academic year and do not include summer school.

Sports Scholarship

Students who are admitted to the national team in a sport where İstanbul Bilgi University competes at the inter-university level, and students who exhibit a high performance after joining the university team may be granted non-repayable sports scholarships at the rates to be determined by the Board of Trustees upon the proposal of the Sports Unit.

These scholarships are primarily based on the academic performance of the student and his/her efforts to represent İstanbul Bilgi University by joining the relevant university team. The branches to be awarded scholarships are determined by the Board of Trustees in consultation with the Sports Unit.

Sports scholarships are granted for a maximum term of 2 years for prep students*, 4 years for undergraduate students, and 2 years for associate-degree students. The scholarship is suspended if the student's GPA falls below 2.00. No scholarship is granted for the Summer School.

Scholarships Provided to Transfer Students

Scholarships awarded to students who transfer from another university to İstanbul Bilgi University programs based on Central Placement Score are valid for a total of 12 semesters (the semesters of education at the previous university are taken into account in the duration calculation). The validity conditions of the scholarships provided by the Board of Trustees are as follows:

  • For English Preparatory Program*, these scholarships are valid for 2 academic years.
  • The academic education period cannot exceed 8 academic semesters for undergraduate programs and 4 academic semesters for associate degree programs. (The semesters studied at the previous universities of the students who come by transfer are taken into account in the duration calculation.)
  • Summer school is not covered by this scholarship.
  • If the grade point average falls below 2.00, the scholarship/discount is canceled.
  • The scholarship of a student who receives a disciplinary penalty as a result of a disciplinary investigation on the grounds of involvement in violent incidents will be terminated.

Scholarships for Internal Transfer (Change of Department) Students

Students who make an internal transfer (department change) during their undergraduate or associate degree education are evaluated whether the ÖSYM scholarship continues in the department they are enrolled in.

If the student's ÖSYM exam scores match the score of the department to which he / she has transferred as of the year of placement, the ÖSYM scholarship continues for the remaining period. If the ÖSYM score is not sufficient for the scholarship quota of the program they want to transfer to, the scholarship at the rates determined by the Board of Trustees is benefited within the scope of the following validity conditions.

In cases where the score does not match but the GPA is at least (3.50) out of (4.00), a discount may be applied to the tuition fee at the rate of the scholarship to which the student is entitled with the decision of the Board of Trustees. This discount continues under the following conditions: 

  • For the preparatory class, this scholarship/discount is valid for two academic years. (Applicable for programs whose medium of instruction is English)
  • The academic education period cannot exceed eight academic semesters for undergraduate programs and four academic semesters for associate degree programs. (For students transferring laterally, entering via the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS), or changing departments, the semesters previously studied are considered in the duration calculation.)
  • Summer school is not covered by this scholarship.
  • When the grade point average falls below 2.00, the scholarship/discount is cancelled.
  • The scholarship of a student who receives a disciplinary penalty as a result of a disciplinary investigation on the grounds of being involved in violent incidents is terminated.

International Baccalaureate (IB) and High School Scholarships

International Baccalaureate (IB) (for students graduating from English, Abitur, Matura, French IB and Baccalaureate, Maturita programs of high schools) discounts and high school discounts provided in line with institutional agreements are valid for 2 years (4 semesters) * in the English Preparatory Program, 4 years (8 semesters) in undergraduate programs, 2 years (4 semesters) in associate degree programs and do not include summer school. If the overall grade point average falls below 2.00 and/or a disciplinary penalty is received, this discount cannot be utilized.

Teacher Discount

Children of teachers and academic staff who are actively working or retired from schools equivalent to primary, secondary, and high schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education or higher education institutions are entitled to a 10% discount if they enroll at İstanbul Bilgi University. The maximum duration of this discount is four semesters for English Preparatory Program, six semesters for associate degree programs, and twelve semesters for undergraduate programs. (For students transferring laterally, entering via the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS), or changing departments, the semesters previously studied are considered in the duration calculation.)

Sibling Discount

Siblings of current students and graduates of İstanbul Bilgi University are offered a 10% sibling discount if they enroll in a program at İstanbul Bilgi University. This discount applies to associate, undergraduate and graduate programs. The sibling discount does not cover summer school. The maximum duration of this discount is four semesters for the English Preparatory Program*, six semesters for associate degree programs, and twelve semesters for undergraduate programs. (For students transferring laterally, entering via the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS), or changing departments, the semesters previously studied are considered in the duration calculation.)

Alumni Discount

Alumni of the university's associate, undergraduate, and graduate programs who enroll in a new program in or after the 2019-2020 Academic Year are eligible for a 30% discount. The alumni discount is not applicable to summer schools. The maximum duration of this discount is four semesters for preparatory programs, six semesters for associate degree programs, and twelve semesters for undergraduate programs For students transferring laterally, entering via the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS), or changing departments, the semesters previously studied are considered in the duration calculation.)

Tasarı Education Institution Discount [For Students Enrolled via Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS)]

The maximum duration of the Tasarı Education Institution discount for students admitted to our university through the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS) is four semesters for English Preparatory Program and a total of 12 semesters for undergraduate programs (including the duration spent in associate degree education). The discount does not cover summer school. If the grade point average falls below 2.00 and/or a disciplinary penalty is received, this discount cannot be utilized.

The conditions for all scholarships and discounts offered at our university, unless otherwise specified, are as follows:

  • For English Preparatory Program*, scholarships are valid for 2 academic years.
  • The scholarships are valid for up to 8 academic semesters for undergraduate programs and up to 4 academic semesters for associate degree programs. [The periods previously studied by students transferring laterally, entering via Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS), or changing departments are included in the duration calculation.]
  • Summer school is not covered by the scholarship.
  • Scholarships/discounts are cancelled if the grade point average falls below 2.00.
  • Scholarships are cancelled if a student receives a disciplinary penalty as a result of involvement in violent incidents.

*Applicable to programs where the language of instruction is English.

Click to access İstanbul Bilgi University Scholarships and Support Programs Directive.

