Scientific Research Incentive
Our university has a comprehensive incentive system supported by various budgets and funds allocated by our Board of Trustees and carried out by the Rectorate for the purposes of increasing the quality and number of scientific publications, extending the researches, encouraging faculty members to research. These different methods of scientific incentive are given below:
Scientific Incentive Award and Directive on Individual Research Fund
For the publications within the scope of this directive, cash reward and individual research fund are allocated to the individual account of the researcher. Given at varying rates according to the ranking of the journal / publisher in international rating systems and the number of authors, incentives are provided in the following categories:
- Article:
- Articles published in journals indexed by SSCI, SCI-Expanded, AHCI (According to Web of Science Clarivate Analytics Q1-Q2-Q3-Q4 ranking).
- Articles published in journals indexed by SCOPUS and having SNIP value which is 0.5+
- Articles published in international journals of law listed in the annex of the directive
- Book: Books, book chapters and editorship for books published by publishers listed in the University Executive Board Publishing Classification List;
- Patent: Registered national and international patents receive Q3 and Q1 level article equivalent respectively.
In addition to all faculty members, doctoral students, professors in Emeritus position and administrative staff can benefit from the incentives in this directive.
In order to benefit from the Scientific Incentive Award, the Scientific Incentive Award Application Form available in DYS must be filled out and submitted to the Library.
Newly Appointed Faculty Members with a PhD
Individual research funds are allocated to the faculty members with a PhD who meet our University’s requirement of minimum assignment score and are appointed for the first time. This funding is equal to the incentive reward for a single-author article at Q1 level. Thus, a newly appointed faculty member with a PhD are provided with initial funds for new publications and she/he can carry out activities and preparation for conference attendance and for associate professorship by using his/her own funds.
Conference Attendance Support for Faculty Members
Faculty members who do not have individual research funds are supported by the Rectorate to participate in scientific events abroad. Priority is given to applications with the potential to turn into a publication within the scope of Scientific Incentive Award and Individual Research Fund Directive.
Proofreading Support
All of our faculty members can benefit from the proofreading service once a year, provided by contracted international organizations for publications in English. Faculty who wants to benefit from this service can apply to . This support is given to applications targeting publications covered by Scientific Incentive Award and Individual Research Fund Directive.