Career Counselling
You can request an appointment with our talent development experts for your career development on the following topics:
- Strategies for finding a job,
- Being informed about the skills that will distinguish you from others in the professional world,
- Creating a roadmap for the skills that you would like to develop,
- Difficulties and opportunities that you encounter in your educational and professional life,
- Organizing your university life in order to have better career options,
- The sector or area that you would like to work in,
- Your goals and dreams about your career,
- Planning your career and setting goals,
- Setting your career goals,
- Developing your career management skills,
- Exploring yourself and your personal qualities,
- Discovering your values, skills, and fields of interest,
- Discovering those areas that are strong and open to improvement,
- Improving your decision-making skills.
In order to make a Career Counselling appointment click here.
If you need to cancel your appointment for some reason, we kindly ask you to contact at least 24 hours before your appointment.
CV Counselling
CV or resume is one of the most important instruments for you to make a good first impression and stand out professionally in your job applications. It presents an opportunity to establish a connection between the skills you are equipped with and the qualities required by the position you apply.
For an effective CV, you can find all our recommendations in CV Preparation Guide. While preparing your own CV, make sure to review other CVs. Not every CV is suitable for every institution. If you do not know which CV format to use and would like to review your CV with a career consultant, you can make an appointment for ‘Career Counseling’.
Cover Letter
In some applications, you are required to submit a cover letter while in others, it is recommended to submit one. The purpose of the cover letter is to make sure that your CV is read. You should talk about yourself in your cover letter but it should not repeat your CV word-to-word.
Cover letter should be one page consisting of 3-4 paragraphs.
- First paragraph: Which position are you applying for? How did you hear about the position?
- Second paragraph: What are your past experiences and skills? Why do you think you are suitable for this position?
- Third paragraph: Why do you want to do work for this institution? Thanks and conclusion.
If you would like to revise your cover letter with a career consultant, you can make an appointment.
Click here to review the example prepared by BİLGİ Talent Development and Internship Coordination Office.
In order to make a CV Counselling appointment click here. If you need to cancel your appointment for some reason, we kindly ask you to contact at least 24 hours before your appointment.
Interview Counselling
Job Interviews: Institutions conduct job interviews to meet with candidates that have applied for an available position. Each institution may have different methods for conducting a job interview and different expectations from the candidates.
Job interviews can be conducted one-to-one or in groups. The interview can be conducted by someone from the Human Resources or by the director(s) of the team that you have applied.
Here are some general tips to review:
- Conduct your research about the institution where you will have the interview and collect as much information as possible.
- Proofread your CV and review all the details you have written.
- Think about your strengths and development areas; consider real life examples
- Take a copy of your CV with you and be in the place of interview on time.
- If, for any reason, you will miss the interview or be late, inform them via phone or e-mail.
During the interview:
- Don’t give too short or too long answers. Elaborate your answers and give examples from your internship experiences and your works at school.
- Maintain eye contact, a self-confident posture, and be in control of your mimics and jests.
- If you have questions about the institution and the position at the end of the interview, you can ask them.
We have prepared sample interview questions for you. Make sure to review these sample questions before the interview and be prepared. Click for sample interview questions.
In order to make an appointment for interview counselling click here. If you need to cancel your appointment for some reason, we kindly ask you contact at least 24 hours before your appointment.