BILGI Talent Fest

BILGI Talent Fest (Career Days) are the larger-scale events organized by BILGI Talent, bringing numerous companies together with students.

BİLGİ Talent Fest is a comprehensive event that covers professional areas of all academic disciplines. Our students can find an event suitable for their own respective fields to improve their vocational skills and get acquainted with the employers from every discipline during BILGI Talent Fest.

Who could attend?
All our undergraduate and graduate students as well as our alumni can participate in the BILGI Talent Fest, follow the info-sessions and seminars, as well as make use of the opportunity of meeting with representatives of organizations in-person, regardless of their departments and classrooms.

This event is held once a year usually around March/April. You can reach the current information about this important event by following social media accounts of BILGI Talent and the student clubs for the announcements.

The BILGI Talent Fest is organized on the campus or building of the related program. They may be held in multiple event areas simultaneously depending on the size of the event. BILGI Talent Fest is held at santralistanbul Campus.

*Our events are only for the BILGI students/alumni and attendance is free-of-charge.