BİLGİ Ethics Helpline

Welcome to İstanbul Bilgi University Ethics Helpline,

You can use this helpline to report a behavior that you think is in violation of the İstanbul Bilgi University Code of Conduct and Ethics, to consult whether a behavior is in compliance with the Code of Conduct or Ethics, or to ask questions about the Code of Conduct and Ethics.

It is important that you specify the information in a clear and detailed manner related to the subject being reported for the correct and quick solution.

Although it is not obligatory to provide your personal information in the notifications you will make, it will make it easier for us to return to you to ask questions if needed. All the information provided by you will be kept strictly confidential.

All reported violations will be examined in a short time and appropriate actions/measures will be taken.

Thank you for taking the time to report any behavior you see is contrary to the Code of Conduct and Ethics.

For application, please fill in the Ethics Helpline Form or send an e-mail to 

Tel: 0850 203 4 429