Former Rectors
At İstanbul Bilgi University, dignified academicians have held the position of a Rector and have played a major role in determining the educational philosophy and academic stance of BİLGİ since its inception. Our Rectors accompanied by our academicians who have adopted the motto "We do not learn for school, but for life" have laid the foundations enabling BİLGİ an educational institution integrating with the society.
Prof.Gülten Kazgan
A training agreement signed in 1994 with Portsmouth University of England formed the basis of İstanbul Bilgi University. Teaching staff and university founders were former students of Prof. Gülten Kazgan in İstanbul University Faculty of Economics. Therefore, Prof. Gülten Kazgan was entrusted with the task of a founding rector due to his know-how and experience.
At the time of transition phase of establishing a university according to Portsmouth Training Agreement, the doors of these new university was opened thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of the founders and the courage to undertake the responsibility of physical assets. All that's left was to give a name. Upon the proposal of Prof. Gülten Kazgan and decision of the Board, the university was named as İstanbul Bilgi University. It was established in 1996 and the first academic year was launched at the second floor of a building in Maslak and in a section of an old mansion in Baltalimanı. In the second academic year, BİLGİ was moved to a new building in Kuştepe and the program was further expanded by adding new courses and departments and a new campus was founded in Dolapdere soon after that. Thus, there was a new increase both in the number of students and in the number of departments.
Who is Prof.Gülten Kazgan?
Prof. Gülten Kazgan was born in İstanbul and after completing her secondary school education at American College for Girls she graduated from İstanbul University Faculty of Economics. After completing her PhD degree at the same faculty she went to the University of Chicago with a Rockefeller scholarship. After returning to İstanbul University Faculty of Economics, she was promoted to the rank of associate professor and at the same years she worked at SVIMEZ (Rome) for two summer periods with a Ford Foundation scholarship and one year at ISEA (Paris). She retired in 1994 after being promoted to the rank of full Professor and then she joined in İstanbul Bilgi University as "Founding Board Member" and "Founding Rector". Until 2007 she was at the same university as Foundation Board Founding Member and TESAR Director; she worked there as a faculty member until 2007. On this date she received the title of "Emeritus" and became one of the outstanding academicians who will always illuminate the path of knowledge in BİLGİ. Kazgan has many awards, numerous articles and researches and she continues her academic activities with her books.

Prof.Asaf Savaş Akat
During the period in which Prof. Asaf Savaş Akat was the rector, İstanbul Bilgi University started out with the principle of becoming a university at downtown and gave priority to academic standards and education creating added value. Aiming to specialize in its best areas a strong team in the field of social sciences was established. Taking care to be in a lively dialogue with the society, the philosophy of being sensitive to the basic problems of Turkey was adopted. Akat continued this task until November 1998 and he has been working as a faculty member at BİLGİ since then.
Who is Prof. Asaf Savaş Akat?
Prof. Asaf Savaş Akat was born in 1943 in Ankara and after graduating from Galatasaray High School in 1962, he graduated from İstanbul University Faculty of Economics in 1966. He studied in high school for one year in California with AFS scholarship (Redondo Union HS) and studied for two years in a postgraduate education program (University of East Anglia and the London School of Economics) He received the titles of doctor, associate professor and professor at İstanbul University. He was assumed the position of Rector between 1996 and 1998 in İstanbul Bilgi University where he is still a faculty member. Akat is publicly recognized as Vatan newspaper columnist and with NTV Ekodiyalog program and he has numerous academic and actual books, articles and conference presentations.

Prof. İlter Turan
Prof. İlter Turan, in person, wrote out the regulations which settled the activities of the university in various fields on a basis of rules as he thought that developing a text of rules on how to conduct the organizational works is the most crucial stage of this process during his time as a rector in İstanbul Bilgi University. He also reviewed the previously written ones and renewed them according to the needs in order to overcome the existing shortcomings. Turan made an effort to make the university a regularly operating organization which just completed its second year when he took office and secondly he cared to transfer the value particularly administrative and service staff for BİLGİ both to the employees and to the teaching staff. In the period he was assigned as the rector, Prof. İlter Turan increased the number of students from 3,700 to 8,000 and became the pioneer of physical growth by including the Dolapdere campus among the facilities of the school. Again at the same time he developed the first e-MBA program in Turkey and the legal regulation formed by these means constituted the basis of the regulation of the Council of Higher Education in this area. Also he provided a significant resource increase in the inventory of the school library.
Who is Prof. İlter Turan?
Professor İlter Turan who was born in İstanbul in 1941 is a Professor of International Relations in İstanbul Bilgi University, he completed his secondary education in Turkey and United States. He received the degree of Bachelor of Political Science from Oberlin College (USA) in 1962 and the Master's Degree of Political Science from Columbia University in 1964. At the same year, he became an assistant at the Political Science Chair of İstanbul University Faculty of Economics. At the same chair he was promoted to the rank of a Doctor in 1966, an Associate Professor in 1970, and Professor in 1976. Turan was the rector of İstanbul Bilgi University between 1998 and 2001 and before that he worked at Koç (1993-1998) and İstanbul (1964-1993) universities; he also lectured in many outstanding American and British universities as a guest lecturer. Between 2000 and 2009 he was also in the role of a chairman of Turkish Political Science Association, vice-president of the International Political Science Association and chairman of 2009 World Congress program. Today, Prof. İlter Turan is in charge of the management of many foundations and companies as well as the Presidency of the Health and Education Foundation Board of Trustees and on the other hand he works as a writer in Dünya Newspaper. On March 2015, he was given the title of "Emeritus". On July 2016, Prof. İlter Turan was elected the president of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) for 2016-2018.

Prof. Lale Duruiz
In the period when Prof. Lale Duruiz was the rector Magna Charta Universitatum was signed in Bologna and it was emphasized that the academic independence which includes research and education areas is the basic principle of BİLGİ University. Besides application for European University Association membership was made and participation in the meetings was initiated. BİLGİ became an assertive university which extended its scope beyond social sciences by adding various undergraduate and graduate programs to its existing faculties while developing its academic and administrative structure and management information systems. Transfer agreement of Silahtarağa Power Plant, the santralistanbul Campus of today, from the Ministry of Energy to İstanbul Bilgi University was signed in the period when Duruiz was the rector. As well as these at the same period an additional building to Dolapdere campus was built and the campus was expanded.
Who is Prof. Lale Duruiz?
After graduating in American Collegiate Institute in İzmir, she received his undergraduate degree in METU Industrial Engineering Department, graduate degree in Boğaziçi University Department of Management and PhD in Marmara University Department of Management. Duruiz, who worked as a visitor researcher at Sussex University, also worked in IDRC and Ford Foundation projects as an executive researcher. She made studies on technological competence in automotive, garment and iron and steel industries and published books on these topics. Between the years 2003 and 2011 she worked as a delegate of Turkey in the European Council Helsinki Group on Women and Science. Prof. Lale Duruiz was involved in the adventure of İstanbul Bilgi University which was started as ISIS in 1994 and she became a founding member of Bilgi Education and Culture Foundation which established the university in 1996. Duruiz worked as vice-rector between 1996 and 2001 and as rector between 2001 and 2005.
Prof. Lale Duruiz, who worked as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in 2009, is still a faculty member at İstanbul Bilgi University Department of Business Administration.

Prof. Aydın Uğur
Prof. Aydın Uğur's acquaintance with İstanbul Bilgi University started in 1995 at the foundation stage of the university as he started to prepare the curricula for the Faculty of Communication and he worked as the dean of this faculty for eight years. He was assigned as rector in 2005 and he served as the rector of the university until 2009.
During the period when Aydın was the rector, former Silahtarağa Power Plant was taken over and the spirit of the Plant was preserved and it provided a ground for brand new services. In addition to the physical growth of BİLGİ, studies that aimed to produce solutions to key issues of the country were carried out. The Faculty of Architecture was established. Among the prominent samples of these studies, one can count the conference titled ‘Ottoman Armenians during the Decline of the Empire: Issues of Scientific Responsibility and Democracy’, and the conference titled ‘The Kurdish Question in Turkey: Civil and Democratic Solution Seeking.’ Another study which was carried out during the period of Prof. Aydın Uğur was the exhibition ‘Modern and Beyond, 1950-2000.’ The exhibition, which included almost 450 works of art from more than 100 artists and artist groups presented the most comprehensive and careful study that has been produced regarding the period between 1950 and 2000 in Turkish painting and sculpture.
Who is Prof. Aydın Uğur?
Prof. Aydın Uğur graduated from Saint-Joseph High School and received his undergraduate degree in METU Department of Economics and Statistics. He then participated in Sociology and Anthropology seminars in Paris and received his PhD degree in Ankara University Department of Political Science. Uğur held the position of assistant professor in Ankara University Faculty of Communication and he worked as assistant professor and associate professor in Marmara University between 1989 and 1997. He joined the teaching staff of İstanbul Bilgi University in 1997. The Founding Dean of the Faculty of Communication, Aydın Uğur worked as the dean of the faculty from 1997 to 2005.
He was assigned as the Rector of İstanbul Bilgi University in 2005 and served as the Rector of the University until 2009. He held office as the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities between 2012-2017.

Prof. Halil Güven
At the period of Prof. Halil Güven who became the rector in 2009, İstanbul Bilgi University became full member of Laureate International Universities network and the number of faculties increased from four to six with the addition of the Faculties of Architecture and Engineering. Prof. Halil Güven worked for improving quality standards of BİLGİ during his task as a rector and initiated many related activities and contributed to the existing ones.
Who is Prof. Halil Güven?
After completing his undergraduate education in Boğaziçi University in 1978, he went to USA with Fulbright scholarship to do a PhD on renewable energy in the department of mechanical engineering at Houston University and concentrated on his academic career in San Diego State University for 14 years. Güven was in charge of founding rector of Bahçeşehir University between 1998 and 2003 and rector of East Mediterranean University in Cyprus between 2004 and 2007. Güven returned to USA in 2011 and lectured on energy efficiency in buildings and sustainability in New School of Architecture and Design within the body of Laureate Institutions in San Diego. Güven worked as the President of Association of Energy Engineers San Diego Branch. Prof. Güven still works at San Diego State University.

Prof.M. Remzi Sanver
He was born in İstanbul in 1970. He graduated from Galatasaray High School in 1988. He received a bachelor's degree from the Department of Industrial Engineering of Boğaziçi University in 1993. He received a master's degree in 1995 and PhD degree in 1998 from Boğaziçi University the Department of Economics M.Remzi Sanver has worked at the department of Economics of İstanbul Bilgi University from the fall of 1998 till today and also worked as a guest lecturer in Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) and Caen University. M.Remzi Sanver concentrated his scientific researches in the fields of Social Choice Theory, Economical Design and Game Theory and one of the outstanding figures in these areas and he has 50 articles published in international scientific journals and books and more than 100 referrals were made to these articles.
M.Remzi Sanver who worked as an editor in the distinguished scientific media organs of Economic Theory is also a member of board in the Society for Social Choice and Welfare. Scientific activities of M.Remzi Sanver were deemed worthy of an award by Turkish Academy of Sciences and METU Mustafa Parlar Scientific Research Foundation. Prof. Sanver who speaks English, French and Spanish is the founder of the Murat Sertel Advanced Economic Research Center opened in 2010 in İstanbul Bilgi University. He was in the position of rector in İstanbul Bilgi University between 2011 and 2015. He officiates as the Vice President of BİLGİ Board of Trustees and also Research Director in France National Center for Scientific Researches (CNRS).

Prof. Mehmet Durman
Prof. Mehmet Durman was the Rector of İstanbul Bilgi University between 2015-2016. Durman is a lecturer in İstanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineer. In the past he worked as Vice Dean in Sakarya University Faculty of Engineering, and then Vice Rector and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and finally as the Rector.
Previously Durman worked as Associate Professor Lecturer in İstanbul University Faculty of Engineering Department of Metallurgical engineering, Assistant Professor Lecturer in ITU Sakarya Faculty of Engineering and made post-doctorate studies as a researcher in Birmingham-Aston University. Durman graduated from ITU the Faculty of Chemistry-Metallurgy and received his PhD degree in Birmingham-Aston University. He received the title of Associate Professor in 1996 and Professor in 1996. He has a total of 79 articles, conference, symposium notices and project reports of which 39 are made abroad. His publications included in Science Citation Index have been referred 273 times in total.
Durman was in charge of an executer and member in many national and international commission and study groups about Bologna Process primarily on the topics of quality assurance and national competencies and made studies in these areas. Among them, the tasks of the Academic Evaluation and Quality Improvement in the Higher Education Committee Presidency, membership and study group execution of National Qualifications Framework Commission and KalDer Quality Awards Executive Board Presidency are included.

Prof. Murat Borovalı
Born in İzmir in 1966, Prof. Murat Borovalı graduated from İzmir Atatürk High School in 1984, and obtained his undergraduate degree in economics from Boğaziçi University in 1989. After obtaining his master’s degree and Ph. D. from Manchester University in England, he joined İstanbul Bilgi University’s International Relations Department as an assistant professor in 2000. Continuing his studies on political theory, he first became an associate professor, and then a full professor in 2015. In addition to the many academic and administrative duties he assumed over the years, he also served as Acting Rector of İstanbul Bilgi University for approximately six months, starting on 1 August 2016.

Prof, M. Ege Yazgan
Prof. M. Ege Yazgan’s acquaintance to İstanbul Bilgi University started in 2000 and continues his duties as the Director of Center for Financial Studies and as a faculty member in the Department of Economics.
Prof. Yazgan, prior to these he has held office as Acting Rector, Vice Rector, Dean, Deputy Dean and Program Director in İstanbul Bilgi University. He has worked as Director of Turkey Studies Center in Kadir Has University.
He has many academic articles published in land and abroad. He has worked as guest researcher in Cambridge University and as academic member in Sussex University; he has started his academic career as research fellow in İstanbul Bilgi University Department of Economics.
Prof. Yazgan has been graduated from İstanbul University Department of Economics and continued his post graduate studies in Boğaziçi University and İstanbul University. He has completed his doctoral studies in Sussex University of England. He regularly takes part in the Turkish media with his comments on current economic issues.

Prof, M. N. Alpaslan Parlakçı
Prof. M. N. Alpaslan Parlakçı served as a member of Board of Trustees and Acting Rector of İstanbul Bilgi University between 2020-2022.
Having graduated from Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Boğaziçi University in 1996, Prof. Parlakçı received his master’s and doctoral degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Program at Boğaziçi University Institute for Graduate Studies in Sciences and Engineering. Prof. Parlakçı continued his academic studies in Computer Sciences Department of İstanbul Bilgi University between 1998-2010 and has been acting as a faculty member of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department since 2010. Served as the dean of Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Prof. Parlakçı has many scientific articles and proceedings published in the country and abroad.

Prof, Kübra Doğan Yenisey
Holding a professor’s degree in the field of Labor Law and Social Security Law, Kübra Doğan Yenisey served as the Member of the Board of Trustees and Acting Rector between 2019-2020.
Having graduated from the Faculty of Law, Ankara University in 1992, Doğan Yenisey has received her doctorate degree from the Faculty of Law, Geneva University in 2000. Having worked as a full-time faculty member at İstanbul Bilgi University since 2008, Doğan Yenisey served as Director of LL.M in Law and PhD in Private Law programs and Director of Comparative Labor and Social Security Law Research Center, and also worked as Adjunct Researcher at Freiburg Albert Ludwigs University, Institute for Labor Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union (Trier University) and Institute of European and Comparative Law (Oxford University). Speaking English, French and German, Doğan Yenisey has various books and articles on Labor and Social Security Law that have been published in the country and abroad.