2025. "Quantifying academic integrity: Turnitin and negotiated ethics in higher education in Turkey." Critical Studies in Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/17508487.2025.2461480
Doç. Dr.
Yağmur Nuhrat
Hakemli dergi
2024. "Home versus away: Legitimizing and challenging home claims and social exclusion through football in Turkey." Sport in Society 27(7): 1162-1179. (Çevrimiçi yayım: Kasım 2023).
2023. "Challenging ocularcentric fairness assumptions of the video assistant referee (VAR) system in football." The Senses and Society 18(3): 284-298.
2022. "Linguistic taboo, ideology, and erasure: Reproducing homophobia as norm and lesbianism as stigma in women's football in Turkey." American Anthropologist 124(1): 141-153.
2022. "'Girls on the field' in Turkey: Negotiating gender anxieties and norms through football." Sport in Society 25(10): 2024-2040. (Çevrimiçi yayım: Nisan 2021).
2020. "Moralities in mobility: negotiating moral subjectivities in Istanbul’s traffic.” Mobilities 15(3): 325-340.
2020. “Bodies, football jerseys and multiple male aesthetics through football in Turkey” Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture 24(5): 679-696. (Çevrimiçi yayım: Ocak 2019).
2018. “Contesting love through commodification: Soccer fans, affect, and social class in Turkey.” American Ethnologist 45(3): 392-404.
2017. "Fair to Swear?" Gendered formulations of fairness in football in Turkey." Journal of Middle East Women's Studies 13(1): 25-46.
2018. "Ultras in Turkey: Othering, agency, and culture as a political domain." Sport in Society Special Issue: The Ultras. 21(6): 870-882. (Çevrimiçi yayım: Nisan 2017).
2013. "Playing by the book(s): The rnwritten Rules of football in Turkey." Fair Play: Revista de Filosofia, Etica y Derecho del Deporte 1(1): 89-112.
Kitap bölümü
2024. "Proje-merkezli Neoliberal Üniversite: Varsayılan Dayatmalar, 'Araştırma' ve Etik." İlk Yüzyılı Biterken Cumhuriyet: Demokratikleşme Momentleri, Sıradan İnsanlar ve Siyaset içinde, der. Gencer Özcan, Ömer Turan, Büke Boşnak ve Tuğçe Erçetin. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
2022. "The Trivialization of Women's Football in Turkey." In Football in the Middle East: State, Society, and the Beautiful Game, ed. Abdullah Al-Arian. London: Hurst/Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2018. “Policed Bodies and Subjectivities: Football Fans at the Gezi Uprising in Turkey.” In The Anthropology of Police, eds. Kevin G. Karpiak and William Garriot, London: Routledge.
2018. “Dil Antropolojisi." Kültür Denen Şey: Antropolojik Yaklaşımlar içinde, der. Ayfer Bartu Candan ve Cenk Özbay. İstanbul: Metis.
2016. “The Violence Law and the Governmentalization of Football in Turkey.” In The Making of Neoliberal Turkey, eds. Cenk Özbay, Maral Erol, Ayşecan Terzioğlu and Z. Umut Türem. Surrey: Ashgate.
2015. “Mediating Turkishness through Language in Transnational Football.” In The European Football Championship: Mega-Event and Vanity Fair, eds. Başak Zeynep Alpan, Alexandra Schwell and Albrecht Sonntag. London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
2014. “Reinserting race as a relevant social category in Turkey through football” (with Marcie Patton, Donna Lee Bowen, and Becky Schulthies). In Everyday Life in the Muslim Middle East, 3rd edition, eds. Donna Lee Bowen, Evelyn E. Early and Becky Schulthies. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Hakemli dergi (Türkçe)
2020. "Türkiye Futbolunda Kadın: 'İş'i Olmayan ve Olmaması Gereken Yerde." Fe Dergi: Feminist Eleştiri 12(2): 45-58.
2020. "Sosyal ve Kültürel Antropolojide Özdüşünümsellik: Sahadan Örnekler." Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi 23(1): 130-156.
2020. “Trafik Deneyimleri ve Düzen Söylemi İçinden İstanbul’u Üretmek.” Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 21(38): 497-523.