English Preparatory Program


Dear Students,

First of all, welcome to BİLGİ and the English Preparatory Program.

As you may know the medium of instruction for most of the programs at İstanbul Bilgi University is in English. Therefore, those students that have an English proficiency below a certain level must develop their English language skills before proceeding to their departmental studies. The main aim of the English Preparatory Program is to help students reach the desired level of proficiency so they can follow their departmental courses without difficulty. While this may be our main aim, it is also one of our many aims.

In this day and age, English has become a common language that enables communication. Consequently, knowing English has become not only important for your education but also for your work and social life. You may never have the chance to devote this much time to learning English during your university career or even afterwards. Because you will not be able to dedicate all of your time to learn a language while you are studying or working, the learning process will be longer and more difficult. Simply put, the English Preparatory Program is a golden opportunity that has been presented to you.

Our program has been accredited by CEA, an internationally renowned body of accreditation. Our educational quality is constantly monitored and whatever the conditions may be, it is our program’s main goal to never compromise on the educational quality it offers.

As you continue your education in the English Preparatory Program, we ask that you attend your lessons regularly, participate actively and take an active interest in the outside classroom activities that your instructors assign to you for you to be successful.

We would like to wish you all success in the new academic year and throughout your university life.