International Conference on Languages of the Caucasus

Date: June 18-19, 2022
Time: 10:00-18:00
Place: santralistanbul Campus, E1-301
‘Theoretical Linguistics and Languages of the Caucasus’ Conference is organized by İstanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities.
‘Theoretical Linguistics and Languages of the Caucasus’ (TLLC) is a 2-day workshop on the languages of the Caucasus to be held at İstanbul Bilgi University between June 18–19, 2022, co-hosted by Laz Institute and İstanbul Caucasian Culture Association. We welcome contributions on the theoretical analyses of the phonological, morphological, and syntactic issues observed in Caucasian languages as well as Turkic and Indo-European languages spoken in the Caucasus. Regular talks will be 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion.
Keynote Speakers: Theoretical Linguistics and Languages of the Caucasus (June 18-19, 2022) Léa Nash (Université Paris 8/CNRS) Ioanna Sitaridou (Queens' College, University of Cambridge)
Organizing Committee: İsmail Avcı (Laz Institute) Ömer Demirok (Boğaziçi University) Aslı Gürer (İstanbul Bilgi University) Nihan Ketrez (İstanbul Bilgi University) Balkız Öztürk (Boğaziçi University) Murat Topçu (Okan University)
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