Resume and Cover Letter Preparation - Effective Written Communication Techniques

Date: December 19, 2023 - Tuesday
Time: 11:00-12:30
Place: Online
The series of ‘BİLGİ Tea Talk’ are organized by İstanbul Bilgi University Global Talent Management Center (BİLGİ Talent).
Instructor and Coach Barış Aslan will participate as a speaker in our online Tea Talk event, ‘Resume and Cover Letter Preparation - Effective Written Communication Tecniques’ which will be held within the scope of the Career Planning Course on Tuesday, December 19, between 11:00-12:30.
In our ‘BİLGİ Tea Talk’ event, which will take place as part of Career Planning Course, the important points to be considered in resume preparation process will be mentioned, and elements of communication and effective communication techniques that explain the subtleties of making communication effective will be discussed.
All our students and graduates can register participate in the event via the link.
Guest: Barış Aslan – Professional Coach, Trainer
*This event will be conducted in English.