Turkish Friends of LSE meet BİLGİ UoL-LSE Honours Students and Alumni

Date: February 7, 2024 - Wednesday
Time: 18:30-21:30
Place: santralistanbul Campus, E1-301
18:30-19:30: Registration
19:30-19:35: Opening speeches
Alihan Gürleyen, BİLGİ UoL-LSE Economics and Finance ’24
Nazlı Çilo, BİLGİ UoL-LSE Economics and Management ’24
19:35-19:40: Sinan Arslaner| Career Mentoring
19:45-20:15: Prof. Asaf Savaş Akat | Turkish Economy in 2024
20:15-20:30: Q&A Session
20:30-21:30: Networking
Prof. Asaf Savaş Akat was born in 1943 in Ankara and after graduating from Galatasaray High School in 1962, he graduated from İstanbul University Faculty of Economics in 1966. He studied in high school for one year in California with AFS scholarship (Redondo Union HS) and studied for two years in a postgraduate education program (University of East Anglia and the London School of Economics) He received the titles of doctor, associate professor and professor at İstanbul University. He was assumed the position of Rector between 1996 and 1998 in İstanbul Bilgi University where he is still a faculty member. During his tenure as Rector, Prof. Asaf Savaş Akat played a pivotal role in initiating prestigious UoL-LSE programs at İstanbul Bilgi University, underscoring his dedication to fostering international academic collaborations and elevating the institution's academic standards.
Sinan Arslaner started studying economics at Hacettepe University as an undergraduate student. Having completed first two years successfully, he later continued his economics studies at University College London and earned a BSc Econ Honours Degree. Later he completed his master’s studies at LSE. He has been chairing Turkish Friends of LSE since 1994 which is the official alumni group for LSE Turkish alumni. TFLSE has arranged several joint programs with BİLGİ UoL-LSE alumni during the last 20 years with great support of Prof. Asaf Savas Akat. Sinan Arslaner is a first generation investment banker and served at Citibank, Tekstilbank and Demir Investment at top management positions during his professional life. He currently serves family businesses helping them with their finance and ESG needs. His main social activitiy is to help university students with their career objectives with a focus in finance industry. As a career mentor, he regularly speaks at university clubs and has written two books in this field to help young students. He will share his career mentorship experiences and is eager to discuss how he can help BİLGİ UoL-LSE alumni members as a mentor.
The event is exclusive to TFLSE members, İstanbul Bilgi University faculty members, UoL-LSE Honours Programme students, and alumni. Please RSVP by filling out the registration form until February 2, 2024.
For inquiries or further information, kindly contact: econhonours@bilgi.edu.tr