BİLGİ UoL-LSE Alumni Talks - Banking in the Digital Age

Date: March 28, 2024 - Thursday
Time: 17:00-18:30
Place: santralistanbul Kampüsü, E1-304
Elif Terzi Tezel
BİLGİ Economics and Management Honours Programme ‘2008
Semih Yasavul
BİLGİ Economics and Management Honours Programme ‘2008
We are pleased to announce the third session of our BİLGİ UoL-LSE Honours Programmes Alumni Talks series entitled “Banking in the Digital Age”, scheduled for March 28, 2023. Join us as we host two distinguished alumni, Elif Terzi Tezel and Semih Yasavul.
After successfully completing BİLGİ Economics and Management Honours programme in 2008, Elif Tezel enrolled to MSc in Economics and Social Sciences in Bocconi University and studied there with full merit scholarship. Upon the completion of her degree , she turned back to Turkey and started to work as Management Consultant in Forte Consultancy Group (currently acquired by EY) where she had the chance to be part in various projects especially focusing on banking & payment systems. After Forte Consultancy Group, she continued her career in Garanti Bank and currently she works for ING as Chapter Lead for Debit Card Products and Orange Extra Program.
Semih, graduated from the Economics and Business Administration undergraduate Honours program at Bilgi University & London School of Economics in 2009. He completed his master's degree at Galatasaray University, Faculty of Communication. He had work experience in many different sectors for more than 10 years. In summary: Sales and business development in the FMCG sector (Colgate), customer management in the e-commerce sector (, marketing in the Luxury retail sector (BEYMEN) and business development, product management, sales and brand partnerships in the Banking & finance sector (Garanti & ING Bank).
Currently he is working at ING as a SME Digital Customer & Product manager. He has been a member of the inhouse innovation program at ING for approximately 4 years. He works in a team that mentors intra-company entrepreneurship projects. Particularly the digitalization of branches, beyond banking and process improvement.