FoB Business Administration Departmantal Seminars: Critical Management and Organization Studies and Academic Activism

Date: February 19, 2025 - Wednesday
Time: 15:00
Place: Online
Speaker: Dr. Ozan N. Alavuklar – Universteit Utrech, NL
As a part of the rigor and relevance debate within the field, Critical Management and Organization Studies (MOS) scholars are often criticized for the theoretical density of their work and its limited practical application. In response, critical performativity has emerged as a potential way forward, sparking further discussions. This presentation offers a brief historical overview of this debate and introduces activist performativity as part of the "activist turn" in critical MOS. Building on the tradition of academic activism, the talk will explore how to foster social change by bridging the often-separated realms of teaching, research, and social impact.
Dr. Ozan N. Alakavuklar is an Associate Professor of Organization Studies and Chair of the Organization Studies group at Utrecht University School of Governance. He is the author of Organising Faith, Food, and Freedom: Imagining Alternatives (Bristol University Press, 2024) and conducts research on the societal transformative potential of post- and non-capitalist forms of organizing.
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