Seminars: "Success in School"

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Dates: November 20 - November 27 - December 4, 2012 (Tuesdays)
Time: 12:00-13:00
Place: santralistanbul Campus, E1-307

November 20: Academic Success and Emotions (Filiz Yurtseven, MA) (COMPLETED)
November 27: Academic Success and Mind (Gülcan Akırmak, MA) (COMPLETED)
December 4: Effective Learning and Studying (Gökçen Yıldız, MA) 

University life is a period of discovering how to reach and improve success. You can experience some failures in your academic life just as in your daily life. Improving school success depends on identification of factors related to success and failure. To be aware of such factors help you to control them, and thus to prevent possible failures.

Psychological Counseling Unit is arranging a seminar series on different dimensions of academic success.  You can participate in just one or more sessions that may help you to improve your school success.

Participation is free of charge and no registration is required. You are just needed to be in the classroom on time.

For further information and questions:  212 311 76 74 /