Seminar: "The Turkish Post-Migrant Perspective: Cultural Roots and Artistic Routes Between Europe and Turkey"

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Speaker: Dr. Pieter Verstraete (Sabancı University Istanbul Policy Center, Mercator-IPC Fellow)

Date: May 15, 2013
Time: 15.00
Place: Dolapdere Campus, Board of Trustees Room

Contact: / 0212 311 53 50

The seminar language is English.

Please click for the abstract.

Dr. Pieter Verstraete: Dr. Pieter Verstraete is a Belgian researcher based in Turkey. Since 2012, he has been researching post-migrant theatre as a Mercator-IPC Fellow at the Istanbul Policy Center of Sabancı University. He is also an Honorary University Fellowship of the University of Exeter, where he was previously Lecturer in Drama. Besides this research project, Verstraete is an expert on contemporary music theatre and opera. His research on Turkish post-migrant opera was previously granted the support of a TÜBİTAK Fellowship for Foreign Citizens at Ankara University. In 2009, he completed his PhD, entitled The Frequency of Imagination: Auditory Distress and Aurality in Contemporary Music Theatre. He has co-edited and authored numerous works on sound, voice and aurality in theatre, the most recent being published in Performance Research (Routledge 2010) and Theatre Noise (CSP 2011). This year, a chapter on “Turkish Post-Migrant „Opera‟ in Europe” will be published in Music/Theatre: Experience, Performance, and Emergences (Rodopi 2013), as well as a co-edited volume, Cathy Berberian: Pioneer of Contemporary Vocality (Ashgate 2013).