European Projects Conference Series: "New Europe"

Date: March 21-April 18 - May 21, 2019
Place: santralistanbul Campus, Energy Museum
This series of conferences aims to share information on current EU issues, to provide information about our projects and to discuss current issues regarding the projects carried out by the EU Institute.
Conferences are open to general participation.
ERC Prime Youth Conference: “Political Psychology of Yellow Vests in France”
March 21, 2019 / 17.00-19.00
Prof. Ayhan Kaya (BİLGİ Auropean Institute, Director)
Ayşe Tecmen (BİLGİ European Institute, Research Specialist)
Jais Adam-Troian (BİLGİ European Institute, ERC Research Specialist)
The language is English.*
Cohere Conference: “Heritage Populism in Europe”
April 18, 2019 / 16.00-18.00
Prof. Ayhan Kaya (BİLGİ European Institute, Director)
Ayşe Tecmen (BİLGİ European Institute, Research Specialist)
The language is Turkish.*
Respond Conference: “Scandinavian Policy Responses in the Wake of the 2015 Refugee Crisis: Path Dependencies and Paradigmatic Changes”
May 21, 2019 / 15.30-17.30
Assoc. Prof. Karin Borevi (Södertörn University)
The language is English.*
* There will be no simultaneous translation.