International Student Photo Contest Exhibition and Reception

“Capturing the Miracles of Turkey”
The International Student Advising Office of BİLGİ Global Talent Management Center (BİLGİTalent) is proud to announce the winners of the 4th annual BİLGİ International Student Photo Contest.
First of all, we would like to thank all of our participants and congratulate the winners. The contest was open for all international students and called for submissions of original photographs focusing on the theme “Capturing the Miracles of Turkey”. You are cordially invited to celebrate the winners and participants of the 4th International Student Photo Contest! We will be awarding all participants at our Opening Reception.
Photo Exhibition Opening Reception:
Date: May 3, 2019 Friday
Time: 17.00 (Cocktail will start at 16:30)
Place: santralistanbul Campus, Energy Museum-Control Room
The winning photos and the jury selected honorable mentions will be on display on the ÇSM Building walls between 2-20th of May, 2019.
Click here to see the photos!
1st Place - Foad Sarsangi - Under the Bridge
2nd Place - Marina Vysotskaia – Memories
3rd Place - Lizbette Wendoline Carrasco Salas - Mother Earth
4th Place - Zofia Barbara Goss -Boys from Anitkabir for Ataturk, Ankara
5th Place - Roqaya Khalid Abdulla Ebrahim AlZayani - Urban Noir
Honourable Mentions:
Ahmad Almedleji
Ahmad Abouelhamd
Asem Mohamed Morsy
Aslı Çiftçi
Buse Nur Ceyhan
Bushra Thaer Ghazi Hussein
Esra Pirim
Kristina Golubkova
Kristina Manukyan
Maia Kathlyn Wright
Manahil Atcha
Mariam Khaled Raouf Mohamed Ezzat
Maryam Ahmed Gaber Ibrahim Elhag
Minahil Azmat Ullah
Mohanad Al Khadar Albaghdadi
Nawres Ali Kamal Al-Khaffaf
Nouralhoda Khaled Mahmoud Mansour
Pablo Pastor Calvo Judici
Salim Al Halabi
Yahya Majeed Hammadi Al Saadi
Ziad Yasser Mostafa Mohamed Abouzeid
All Participants:
Ahmad Al Masri
Ahmad Almedlejy
Ahmad Alnvilati
Ahmed Abdellatif Hassanin Abouelhamd
Ahmed Bin Sanaullah
Aiman Amanullah Khan
Ajmal Khairullah Shams
Aliya Ismail
Amer Osama Mohammad Al-Qadah
Asem Mohamed Gadelrab Morsy
Aslı Çiftçi
Auwal Abdullahi Adamu
Buse Nur Ceyhan
Bushra Thaer Ghazi Hussein
Emaduldin Alturouq
Enrica Ippolito
Esra Pirim
Foad Sarsangi
Gohar Fatima
Hadi Ghanaee
Hager Azmy Saad Hasan
Hajra Ashraf Mohamed Khan
Hashem Ayman H. Alassali
Hassan Ahmed Elmitwally Ahmed Hussein
Hauwa Audu-Bida
Katarzyna Kulpa
Kristina Golubkova
Kristina Manukyan
Lena Johanna Ackermann
Lizbette Wendoline Carrasco Salas
Maia Kathlyn Wright
Manahil Atcha
Mariam Khaled Raouf Mohamed Ezzat
Marina Vysotskaia
Maryam Ahmed Gaber Ibrahim Elhag
Minahil Azmat Ullah
Mohamed Abdellatif Hassanın Abouelhamd Metwie
Mohanad Al Khadar Albaghdadi
Mosaab Hajak
Nasir Haclavi
Nawres Ali Kamal Al-Khaffaf
Neama Atir
Noor Ul Wara
Nouralhoda Khaled Mahmoud Mansour
Pablo Pastor Calvo Judici
Reza Jamnezhad
Roqaya Khalıd Abdulla Ebrahım AlZayani
Salim Al Halabi
Shirin Mohammadhosseinzadehbanafsheh
Yahya Majeed Hammadi Al Saadi
Zekiye Muhammadoğlu
Ziad Yasser Mostafa Mohamed Abouzeid
Zofia Barbara Goss