Comparative Company Law Certificate Program

Prof. Carsten Gerner-Beuerle (Unıversity College London)
Prof. Michale Schillig (King’s College London)
Date: April 28-May 3, 2019
Place: santralistanbul Campus, E1-301
İstanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Law is proud to present a certificate program in English regarding Comparative Company Law to be held by Prof. Carsten Gerner-Beuerle from the University College London (UCL) and Prof. Michael Schillig from the King’s College London (KCL).
The main purpose of the course is to examine and discuss topical issues of corporate law on a comparative basis. In particular, agency problems between shareholders, management and other corporate actors will be identified and solutions to these conflicts will be discussed. In this regard, American and English law representing the common law tradition and German law representing an important Continental European tradition will be analysed. In addition, where appropriate, references will be made to other national legal systems and supra-national initiatives such as harmonising measures of the European Union, as well as international corporate governance standards.
The program is not only for those who are interested in a comparative and interdisciplinary analysis of fundamental issues of company law, but also for those who would like to be able to make an assessment and interpretation of Turkish company law in a global context. It is also a good preparation for those who are aiming at participating in an LL.M. program abroad.
A certificate of attendance shall be given to participants who attend at least 15 hours of seminars. All lecture materials are in English.
Lecture dates and hours:
28th April, Sunday / 10:00-17:00
29th April, Monday / 18:00-21:00
30th April, Tuesday / 18:00-21:00
2nd May, Thursday / 17:00-21:00
3rd May, Friday / 17:00-21:00
Tuition Fee:
Regular Fee: 1,800 TL.
For BİLGİ alumni and graduate students at BİLGİ : 1,300TL
For trainee lawyers and undergraduate students : 400 TL.
The program is free of charge for academic staff but please kindly note that seats are limited.
For registration click here
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Please kindly note that seats are limited and registration is required.