Disclosure Decisions of Turkish, U.S. and Brazilian Gay Identified Youth

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Assoc. Prof. Robert A. Cleve (Chicago School of Professional Psychology)
Assoc. Prof. İdil Işık (İstanbul Bilgi University Organizational Psychology Master’s Program)

Date: 26 June 2019
Time: 18.30-20.00
Place: santralistanbul Campus, E2-213

The meeting is organized in cooperation with İstanbul Bilgi University Organizational Psychology Master's Program and Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

The process of disclosure decisions across a variety of cultures (Turkey, U.S., and Brazil), were explored under a qualitative methodology with a grounded theory design focus. The mediating factors that were both unique and universal to the three cultures of focus will be shared with seminar participants and recommendations made as to how these can assist in working with LGTBQ identified youth across a variety of settings. Robert Cleve initially completed this research with U.S. and Brazilian gay-identified youth. Post-graduation, a unique collaboration, was achieved with İdil Işık at Istanbul Bilgi University to incorporate Turkish youth into this project.

Assoc. Prof. Robert A. Cleve is a clinical psychology professor at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology in the International Psychology Ph.D. program since 2013. He has been a counseling clinician (MA, LCPC) for the past 22 years. He serves as an executive and board member for a number of LGBT non-profit organizations involved in providing mental health and social services.

Assoc. Prof. İdil Işık is the director of the İstanbul Bilgi University Organizational Psychology Master’s Program. She focuses on the interventions to help the employability of disadvantaged groups and their psychological health at work settings. She involves in the project of the LGBTI individuals’ disclosure processes within this context that enhances the interaction of clinical and organizational psychology as the subject matter expertize.
