BİLGİ Graduate Open Courses

BİLGİ Graduate "Open Courses" are open for anyone interested in graduate programs, other areas of expertise or a memory refreshing session.
For registration, click here.
Human Resources Management and Strategy
Competency Based Interview
Speaker: Mehmet Ünal
Date: October 23, 2019 Wednesday
Time: 19.00
Place: santralistanbul Campus, E2-104
This course is designed to highlight the link between strategy of organizations and the human resources function. It attempts to illustrate strategy formulations and human resources practices to support those formulations. The course also examines tools and methodologies that help shape strategy formulations.
The language is English.
Turkish Foreign Policy
Turkey's Foreign Policy as the Cold War Ends
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Gencer Özcan
Date: October 23, 2019 Wednesday
Time: 18.00
Place: santralistanbul Campus, E5-103
During the Cold War period after World War II, Turkey was one of the most affected countries by international developments as it shares a long border with the Soviet Union. The fading impact of the Cold War had deeply affecting results, especially in the Middle East, Balkans and Turkey, such as deterioration of permanent settlement in Turkey and it’s neighboring countries. Turkey faced with unprecedented problems both in its own borders and outside. This course covers the handling of Turkey's politics, the search for solutions and the implementation problems.
The language is English.
Muhasebe Teorisi ve İlkeleri
Kâr Nedir? Piyasa Değerindeki Artış mı? Gelir-Gider Farkı mı?
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Göksel Yücel
Date: October 24, 2019 Thursday
Time: 19.00
Place: santralistanbul Campus, E1-103A
Fonksiyonel para kavramı da dahil olmak üzere, toplumun en fazla ilgisini çeken, herkesin kendince bir algılaması olan ve muhtemelen nasıl hesaplandığını yeterli ölçüde bilmediği kâr kavramının ele alınacağı derstir. Derste ayrıca bir vak'a etüdü de yer alacaktır. (THY 2018, Burcu Adiloğlu, Göksel Yücel vak'ası)
The language is Turkish.