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Exchanges in Communication: Journalism in the 21st Century

Exchanges in Communication: Journalism in the 21st Century

Speaker: Emre Kızılkaya

Date: November 21, 2019 Thursday

Time: 15.00

Place: santralistanbul Campus, E4 alt_lab

The seminar is organized by İstanbul Bilgi University Department of Media.

Journalism in the 21st Century: Do you know what was written in the first spam email in history? Why do most people remember the first-ever digital ad wrong? And why journalism's business model in the 20th century is now obsolete? From television to the World Wide Web, the 20th century had defined some of the key elements of media that we use today. This talk aims at bridging the history of media to our future with a focus on how journalism is evolving amid the ongoing digital transformation.

Emre Kizilkaya:

Emre Kizilkaya worked at Turkish newspaper Hurriyet for more than 15 years in various positions, including the managing editor for digital media. After he resigned from the company in 2019, he conducted a research on media sustainability at Harvard University as a Knight Visiting Nieman Fellow. He is currently taking part in the Journo.com.tr project with next generation journalists. He is the vice president of the Vienna-based International Press Institute (IPI) and studying public trust on digital domain as a PhD candidate at Galatasaray University.