The 9th İstanbul Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Pre-Moot

The event is organized with the contribution of the Istanbul Arbitration Centre. BİLGİ Faculty of Law proudly invites all Turkish teams to participate in the ninth Istanbul pre-moot.
Date: 7-8 March 2020
Place: santralistanbul Campus
Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, is an organisation which fosters the study of international commercial law and arbitration for resolution of international business disputes through its application to a concrete problem of a client and to train law leaders of tomorrow in methods of alternative dispute resolution. Vis Moot will be held this year for the 27th time in Vienna. For detailed information about the competition, please click here.
Prior to the Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot various law schools and law firms organise national and international preliminary studies (“pre-moot”) for the purpose of preparing students in the best way for the Moot. In order to better prepare the Turkish universities’ teams for the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, BİLGİ Faculty of Law proudly invites all Turkish teams to its campus to participate in the Istanbul pre-moot. BİLGİ Faculty of Law is renowned for taking the lead of the Turkish universities for the past years. This year will mark the ninth pre-moot to be organized by BİLGİ Faculty of Law. The pre-moot will take place on 7-8 March 2020. Scholars and lawyers will support the pre-moot as arbitrators.