CoE 108+ and the GDPR: A Modernised Look and Nexus at Protecting Personal Data Worldwide

Conference Schedule
Venue: Istanbul Bilgi University, Seyfi Arkan Building, Moot Court Room
12:30 - 13:00 Registration
13:00 - 13:15 Welcome Speech
Leyla Keser Berber, IT Law Institute, Istanbul Bilgi University
Kübra Doğan Yenisey, Rector, Istanbul Bilgi University
Mehmet Bedii Kaya, IT Law Institute, Istanbul Bilgi University
13:15 - 14:45 Topic 1: Towards a globally harmonized legal system & International Data Flows and Adequacy CoE 108 - 108+
Moderator: Leyla Keser Berber & Yasin Beceni, IT Law Institute, Istanbul Bilgi University
Ralf Sauer, Deputy Head of Unit International Data Flows & Protection at European Commission
Prof. Dr. Jos Dumortier, Center for IT&IP Law, Leuven University
Sophie Kwasny, Head of the Data Protection Unit of the Council of Europe
Demet Arslaner Keklikkiran, Head of Legal Department, Turkish Data Protection Authority
Q&A (20 mins)
14:45 - 15:05 Coffee Break
15:05 - 16:40 Topic 2: Voice of Private Sector Companies
Moderator: Ruth Boardman, Partner, Bird & Bird
Florian Thoma, Global Data Privacy, Senior Director, Accenture
Martin Pailhes, Head of Legal IT/IP Practice, BNP Paribas
Cathal McDermott - Senior Legal Counsel - Privacy and Regulatory Affairs, Microsoft
Hakan Bekiroglu, Chief Legal Officer, Tofas
Efrain Castaneda, Senior Privacy Counsel, OneTrust
Q&A (20 mins)
16.40 - 16.55 Academic Report Presentation – Legal Grounds/Policy Recommendation for International Data Transfers in Turkey – Comparative Legal Study Between GDPR, EU Law, Turkish Data Protection Law, Convention 108 and 108+
Leyla Keser Berber & Yasin Beceni, IT Law Institute, Istanbul Bilgi University
16:55 - 17:00 Closing