Online Lecture: Recent Teaching Projects

Guest Speaker: David Jenny, Architect and Researcher, Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich
Date: 15 May 2020
Time: 17.00
The lecture will be virtually held on Blackboard Collaborate. Click the link in the specified time.
Representation will be held in English without translation.
BİLGİ Faculty of Architecture hosts M. Sc. architect and researcher David Jenny from Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich. Within ComputationBasedBasicDesign Studio, David Jenny will give an online lecture titled as "RECENT TEACHING PROJECTS" via BlackBoard Collaborate. His lecture will shortly introduce the conceptual framework of research in digital fabrication at Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich, and how it relates to teaching methodology. Then it will focus on recent teaching projects that have been developed together with the students of the MAS Architecture and Digital Fabrication. By presenting a series of projects the relation of different material systems to their respective computational design and digital fabrication models will be shown. Finally we will discuss on how these projects all relate to future sustainable construction methods in an interdisciplinary setting.
About David Jenny:
David Jenny is an architect with a strong background in computational design and digital fabrication. He has studied at the EPFL in Lausanne, The University of Tokyo in Tokyo, and holds a MSc degree from ETH Zurich. For the past five years he has been leading courses at ETH Zurich in the Master of Architecture curriculum and in the MAS ETH Architecture and Digital Fabrication.