Online Lecture: Responsive and Responsible Architecture, Cities and Construction

Guest Speaker: Mathilde Marengo, PhD Architect, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), Barcelona
Date: 21 May 2020
Time: 15.00
Faculty of Architecture hosts PhD architect Mathilde Marengo from IAAC/Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Barcelona. Within ComputationBasedBasicDesign Studio, Mathilde Marengo will give an online lecture titled as “Responsive and Responsible Architecture, Cities and Construction” via BlackBoard Collaborate.
The lecture will be virtually held on Blackboard Collaborate. Click the link in the specified time.
Representation will be held in English without translation.
About the lecture: “Responsive and Responsible Architecture, Cities and Construction”
As global challenges, among which climate change or the intensification of urban living, become undeniable factors, architectural design finds itself confronted with the responsibility to generate accessible solutions in response to these conditions. Facilitated by the development and innovation in technology, today, taking place at an unprecedented pace, IAAC responds to these challenges in architecture, urbanism, construction and design through innovative educational programs and methodologies to actuate Responsive and Responsible Architecture, Cities and Construction solutions. This is achieved thanks to the implementation of SYSTEMIC DESIGN – Multidisciplinary and multi scalar approaches, developing design through research; LEARNING BY DOING – working with real case studies, real-time information, working together with the industries and using the city as a laboratory; SHARING INFORMATION – distributed educational formats, with global agendas and local solutions; ADAPTABILITY – A constantly evolving and dynamic research environment; and HORIZONTAL STRUCTURE – We are all researchers and we are all learning together, in constant feedback with our team, students and researchers. From novel multidisciplinary educational models to applied research training among academia and industry, IAAC’s Advanced Architecture Group has redefined the paradigm of design in the Information and Experience Age.
About Mathilde Marengo:
Mathilde Marengo is an Australian – French – Italian PhD Architect whose research focuses on the Contemporary Urban Phenomenon, its integration with technology, and its speculative implications on the future of our planet – or the next. She is currently the Head of Studies and Faculty at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia’s Advanced Architecture Group, as well as being a PhD Supervisor within the InnoChain EU research project. For more: