IT TALKS: Online Content Moderation and Data Localization Around the Globe

IT Talks is organized by Istanbul Bilgi University Information Technology Law Institute. Participation is invite only.
Date: 11 September 2020, Friday
Time: 09:00 - 12.00 EST
Welcome Speech: Leyla Keser & Mehmet Bedii Kaya, IT Law Institute, Istanbul Bilgi University
Session 1: Online Content Moderation Regulations in different countries: Germany, France, Turkey, Brazil and the EU in General
Moderator: Leyla Keser, IT Law Institute, Istanbul Bilgi University
Part I: Regulations in different countries and lessons learned
Germany: Matthias C. Kettemann, Project Lead, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG)
Turkey: Mehmet Bedii Kaya, Director, IT Law Institute
India: Smitha Krishna Prasad, Center for Communication Governance at National Law University Delhi
Brazil: Ricardo Campos, LGPD
Q&A (15 min)
Part II: Approach of the EU in general and NGO perspective
NGO Perspective: Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna, Senior Counsel, Future of Privacy Forum
The EU in General:
Q&A (10 min)
Session 2: Content Moderation Laws on the Ground: Concerns and Suggestions of Private Sector Companies and NGOs
Virtual Ice Cream Closing 🍦🍨
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