BİLGİ Ticket

There is now a single platform to submit all your requests regarding your education processes or campus life to the relevant unit or person.
Submit all your requests to BİLGİ Ticket and we will evaluate and find a solution for you.
Whether you want to obtain your student certificate, submit your requests to the academic staff, give your opinion about a service on campus, or request a new arrangement regarding the courses...
With BİLGİ Ticket system, you can easily create your requests regardless of where you are and follow the process on the platform. You can get instant answers by asking your questions to our artificial intelligence assistant Hermione.
You can create your requests on Ticket system
- via that you sign in with your BİLGİ username and password,
- by sending an e-mail to,
- by calling 444 0 428,
- from BİLGİ line section on your SIS page.
All of your requests created through these channels will be directed to the relevant units through our Contact Center. You can view your requests on the digital platform and get information about their status.
Click here to access the manual for support on how to create a ticket.