European Commission Horizon 2020 Framework Program Support for ‘the PRIMA-Med: Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Region’ program

The application of the Faculty Member of the Department of Genetics and Bioengineering at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, and Deputy Director of the Research Center for the Environment, Energy and Sustainability of our University Faculty Member, Gülsen Betül Aktaş, PhD to the PRIMA-Med: Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Region program supported by the European Commission Horizon 2020 Framework Program as the international consortium leader was entitled to be supported with 1,626,879 Euros. In the consortium consisting of 6 institutions from 4 different countries, Faculty Member, Ali Deniz Dalgıç, PhD from our University’s Department of Genetics and Bioengineering and Faculty Member, Bilge Baş, PhD from our University’s Department of Civil Engineering will work as researchers.
With this project, it is expected that antioxidant and antibacterial chemicals obtained by recycling agricultural wastes will be trapped in the food package with the help of diatoms and microemulsion, and bacteria will be inhibited. The project also aims to increase the antibacterial properties of food packages by creating nano-sized thorn structures that will physically create antibacterial effect on the surface of the food package. Innovatively, agricultural wastes will be recycled, diatom and microemulsion structures endemic to the Mediterranean region will be produced, nano thorns will be created and all these developed structures will be initially tested in meat and cake products. This project is expected to contribute to the advancement of science and technology by extending the shelf life of food products with a sustainable approach and preventing food waste.
The partners of the consortium coordinated by İstanbul Bilgi University are National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece), University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France), Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (Luxembourg), Ülker Bisküvi and Polinas Plastik (Türkiye).
With this project, we are the 6th university in Türkiye to be the coordinator of the PRIMA Section 2 program. We also hold the title of the youngest coordinator.
For this achievement, we would like to congratulate the entire project team, especially Faculty Member, Gülsen Betül Aktaş, PhD and the entire project team and I wish them continued success.