Click here for the results of the Erasmus+ Europe Study Mobility application for the 2025-2026 Academic Year, project period 2024-1-TR01-KA131-HED-000201655.
Dear Students,
We first would like to congratulate the students who have been found eligible as well as the students who have applied.
Please read all the explanations below carefully.
Students who have applied can also visit Turna Portal for detailed information on their application.
All the applications completed correctly before the deadline have been evaluated.
Students who submitted all the required documents have been listed based on their Erasmus score, which is calculated with 50% of the GPA and 50% of the language score, and placed in accordance with their university preference order and university quotas.
Our office has a grant budget of €216,200 for the 2024 project. According to the monthly grant amounts announced by the Turkish National Agency for the Erasmus+ 2024 project period, in order to provide grant support to as many students as possible within the budget, a partial grant will be provided for the first 100 students based on the Erasmus placement score at the university.
Students who are entitled to receive a grant are indicated in green as "GRANTED/KABUL HİBELİ" and students who are entitled to participate in the program without a grant are indicated in blue as “NOT GRANTED/KABUL HİBESİZ” in the list.
Students whose applications were suitable but who could not be placed in a university due to the university quotas are indicated in orange as “SUBSTITUTE”.
Students who could not be placed in a university due to the university quotas (main or substitute list) are indicated in yellow as “COULD NOT BE PLACED/KAZANAMADI”.
Important Note: The end date for the 2024-1-TR01-KA131-HED-000201655 project period is July 31, 2026. Students who participate in mobility under this project must organize and submit their after mobility documents to our office by July 31, 2026.
The granting method will be as follows for the students who are in the first 100:
- Students who are listed for only fall or only spring semester will receive a maximum of 3 months X 450 Euros or 3 months X 600 Euros, depending on the country’s grant category.
- Students who receive a letter of acceptance which has shorter duration of education than these durations, will receive grants for their education period. (Even the student does not physically stay for 90 days, it is mandatory to receive education for minimum 60 days)
- Students who choose fall and spring semesters (an academic year) and who are eligible for a grant will be allocated a grant for the duration of only one semester (3 months).
- If a student who is eligible for grant would like to cancel their Erasmus+ eligibility, the grant will be given to the student next on the list. In this case, the student will be informed by our Office via e-mail.
- Students who are granted will also receive travel support based on the distance calculator provided by the European Commission, depending on the distance to the country/city they are going to.
If a student who is placed would like to cancel their Erasmus+ mobility, the substitute student can be placed to that university. In this case, the student will be informed by our Office via e-mail and the student will be informed regarding the grant status.
- Students who are not listed among the first 100 students and listed as “NOT GRANTED” may participate in the program without receiving any grant. If a student is found eligible for a grant later, the student will be informed by our Office via e-mail.
- Students whose applications were suitable but who could not be placed in a university due to the university quotas are listed as “SUBSTITUTE” for the first possible university preference in which they can be placed in accordance with their university preference order and the language score of the university that they prefer. If an eligible student cancels their mobility, the substitute students will be contacted via e-mail.
- Students who would like to cancel must submit their cancellation petition until March 17, 2025, at the latest to erasmushelpdesk@bilgi.edu.tr.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In case a cancellation petition is submitted after this date, 10 points will be deduced from the student’s next Erasmus application.
- If you would like to submit any objections/submit an appeal about your results, you may send your objection petition to erasmushelpdesk@bilgi.edu.tr until March 14, 2025.
Objections will be evaluated, and students will be contacted regarding their results. As a result of objections, grant allocations or students' university placements may change.
All information will be sent to your BİLGİ e-mail addresses. We thereby recommend that you check your BİLGİ e-mail addresses frequently.
Students who are eligible can check the link below for detailed information on the process as well as the required documents to complete:
The information regarding orientation day will be provided via e-mail later on.
(If you have questions about the partner universities before the orientation meeting, you can contact us in order not to miss the deadlines by making an appointment: https://outlook.office365.com/....)
We wish you success!
Erasmus Office