QS Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Ranking

İstanbul Bilgi University has ranked among the top 140 universities in the “Top Universities in Emerging Europe and Central Asia” 2015 list of the reputable higher education quality surveyor QS. According to the rankings, BİLGİ is among the top 4 foundation universities in Turkey.
İstanbul Bilgi University has achieved a significant success in the international arena in the direction of its target of excellence in education. BİLGİ has ranked among the “top 140 universities” in emerging Europe and Central Asia region in the rankings of the UK-based independent higher education quality surveyor QS (Quacquarelli Symonds). This success made BİLGİ one of the top four foundation universities in Turkey.
President of the Council of Higher Education Prof. M.A. Yekta Saraç sent a congratulatory letter to İstanbul Bilgi University Rector Prof. Mehmet Durman concerning the issue. In this letter, Saraç said “It has been a pleasure to learn that your University ranked among the top universities in the 2015 QS ‘Emerging Europe and Central Asia Rankings’. I congratulate you and all of your academic staff on this success which has brought honor to the higher education of our country and I respectfully present my sincere wishes of success.”
The Criteria according to which BİLGİ was assessed
QS assesses the higher education institutions in the Central Asian and emerging European countries according to the criteria of academic reputation (30%), employability (20%), faculty/student ratio (15%), papers per faculty (10%), web impact (10%), staff with a PhD (5%), citations per paper (5%), international faculty (2,5%), and international students (2,5%). The total of the performance of universities in each criteria constitutes their score in the general ranking.
Our Goal is Quality Education
İstanbul Bilgi University, the first and only representative of the Laureate International Universities Network in Turkey, is increasing its competency in quality education with each day. BİLGİ was granted the “Four Stars Competency in Excellence” by the European Foundation of Quality Management (EFQM) last week. The award was presented to İstanbul Bilgi University Rector Prof. Mehmet Durman by the Turkish Quality Foundation (KalDer) in the 24th Quality Congress held in Istanbul Congress Center on November 18, 2015.