Uluslararası İnşaat Sözleşmeleri ve Uyuşmazlık Çözümü Sertifika Programı

The Example of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract Certificate Program
Date: 9-15 May 2018
Elliott Geisinger (Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd, Geneva / President, Swiss Arbitration Association)
İstanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Law will again present a certificate program in English regarding International Construction Contracts and Dispute Resolution to be held by Elliott Geisinger, President of the Swiss Arbitration Association. This program was already given in 2015 and 2017 and has been highly appreciated by participants.
The nature of large-scale, international construction projects has resulted in international construction contracts having particular features that differentiate them from other commercial contracts.
This six-day course will be divided into three parts.
The first part of the course will explore the nuts and bolts of international construction contracts. We will begin by looking at the various entities involved in a construction contract and how a typical construction project progresses from start to finish. We will also briefly look at selected other ways of structuring construction contracts. The course will also address briefly the implications of the law applicable to the contract. We will then go on to look at standard form international construction contracts using the most widely used standard form - the FIDIC Red Book. Given that the FIDIC Red Book was updated in 2017, the course will highlight the main novelties in the latest edition.
The second part of the course will provide an overview of the dispute resolution methods adapted to international construction contracts. In particular, this part of the course will begin by examining the procedures for resolving disputes under the FIDIC Red Book as well as the final determination of disputes by ICC arbitration.
The third part of the course will cover a set of selected issues that typically arise in international construction projects. For each selected issue, the course will provide an overview of the main sub-issues involved, examine certain practical matters and describe how they are regulated in the FIDIC Red Book. Then, for each issue, the course will describe how these matters are typically handled in arbitration. The selected issues are: time and delays; price, payment and variations; defects and termination of the contract.
A mock case will serve as a “red thread” for the whole program and the last session will be devoted to role play in which the participants will be able to apply what they learned.
Lectures will be presented on 9-10-11-14-15 May between 17.00-21.00 and on 12 May between 09.00-13.00 at the santralistanbul Campus. A certificate of attendance shall be given to participants who have attended the full program.
Registration: For registration: Tel. 0212 311 6766 For more information: constructionlaw@bilgi.edu.tr
Fee: Program Fee: 2.000 TL | For students who do not take the course LAW 324 and trainee lawyers: 500 TL | University lecturers may attend the program for free but places are limited.
Application: To attend this program prior registration is mandatory. Latest registration date is 2 May 2018. Places are limited.