Panel: New Horizons Through Changing Perspectives / Research and Innovation in Psychodrama

Avrupa Psikodramatistler Derneği Araştırma Kurulu Toplantısı kapsamında, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Klinik Psikoloji Yüksek Lisans Programı tarafından düzenlenmektedir.
Tarih: 5-8 Mart 2020
Yer: santralistanbul Kampüsü
Psikodrama Araştırma Kurulu'nun amacı psikodramanın bilimsel araştırma metodolojileri ile buluşmasına aracı olmaktır. Toplantı sırasında Psikodrama eğitim süreçlerinin nicel ve nitel izleme değerlendirilme yöntemleri ile desteklenmesi üzerine araştırmaların ve panellerin yürütülmesi hedeflenmektedir. Araştırma tasarımları, araştırma metotları ve sonuçlarının ele alındığı toplantının bir diğer hedefi psikodramatistler arasında bir sosyal ağ yaratmak ve bilimsel araştırma odağını gündemde tutmaktır.
Thursday, 5th of March 2020
16:30-17:30 Registration
17:30-17:35 Opening and Welcome
İnanç Sümbüloğlu, Ayşe Altan & Johannes Krall
17:35-18:15 Sociodramatic warm-up
Arşaluys Kayır, Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek - Psychodrama Institute, Turkey
18:15-18:40 Psychodrama in Turkey
Bircan Kırlangıç Şimşek, Hülya Deniz (presenter),
Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek Psychodrama Institute, Turkey
18:40-19:00 New Horizons Through Changing Perspectives - Research and Innovation in Psychodrama
Johannes Krall, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Friday, 6th of March 2020
İnanç Sümbüloğlu, Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek Psychodrama Institute, Turkey
Psychodrama Theory and Research
09.30-10:00 A spontaneous-self-development theory in and for sociometric psychodramatic group psychotherapy
İnci Doğaner, Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek Psychodrama Institute, Turkey
10.00-10.30 A method for researching the developments and transformations of
spontaneous self during and in sociometric psychodramatic group psychotherapy
İnci Doğaner, Sürel Karabilgin Öztürkçü, Ayşe Altan & Hadi Sağın, Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek Psychodrama Institute, Turkey
10:30-11:00 Experiences with a common design and measuring tools for research
studies of individual psychodrama session used by different therapists
Jutta Fürst, University of Innsbruck, Austria
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13.00 The “Simultaneous Action-Observer Strategy” (SA-OS) – Theory, Practice & Research (research workshop)
Leni Verhofstadt-Denève, Ghent University, Belgium
13:00-14:15 Lunch
Psychodrama Research: paper and poster presentation
14:15-14:45 Psychodrama with Disadvantaged Early-Adolescents
Ahmet Togay, İrem Şahin & Arşaluys Kayır, Çukurova Üniversitesi,
Dr. Abdülkadir Özbek Psychodrama Institute, Turkey
14:45-15:30 Brief paper / poster presentation
Proposal for a Supervision Model in Psychodrama: Multiple Mirrors Supervision - A Qualitative Research Study
Bircan Kırlangıç Şimşek, İrem Şahin Yoluk, Yunus Kaya, Özge Şahin,
Elçin Baykal Kök (presenter), Elif Gülçin Çelik Ateş, Ebru Güç,
Dr. Abdülkadir Özbek Psychodrama Institute, Turkey
Repertory Grid Analysis as a Group Practice Assessment Method
İrem Şahin Yoluk (presenter), Ahmet Togay, İsmail Sanberk, Meral Atıcı,
Çukurova Üniversitesi, Turkey
Using informed consent form in psychodrama research
Gözde Özer Daniş & Ozden Sukran Uneri, Yildirim Beyazit University,
Dr. Abdülkadir Özbek Psychodrama Institute, Turkey
15:30-16.00 Coffee Break
Playback Theatre workshop
16:00-17:30 Playback Theatre at Research Committee / Workshop: part I
António-José Gonzalez & Nuno Amarante
Saturday, 7th of March 2020
Ayşe Altan, Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek Psychodrama Institute, Turkey
Applied Psychodrama, Training and Playback Theatre
09:30-10:00 Applying Psychodrama Techniques to Business Life: Interactive Scene
and Reporting with Software Intelligence
Hakan Döngel, Ali Orhun, İnanç Sümbüloğlu,
Wemore, Dr. Abdülkadir Ozbek Psychodrama Institute, Turkey
10:00-10:30 Qualitative and quantitative data from a Randomized Controlled Trial
with Playback Theatre
António-José Gonzalez & Nuno Amarante,
ISPA Instituto Universitário, Portugal
10:30-11:00 Wiki-Platform “ Composition and definition
of the Editorial Team and of the Administration Team
Paola de Leonardis, Marco Greco, Roger Schaller & Krzysztof Cieplinski,
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Parallel sessions
Room 1: paper presentation
Psychodrama and sexual therapy in groups with woman avoiding
Arşaluys Kayır, Dr. Abdulkadir Ozbek Psychodrama Institute, Turkey
Sociodrama as method and/or subject of investigation – ongoing researches in Hungary
Ágnes Blaskó, Mónika Durst, Kata Horvath
Sociodrama Diary Form – a tool for processual analysis
Ágnes Blaskó, Mónika Durst, Kata Horvath
Room 2: Workshop
Playback Theatre at Research Committee / Workshop: part II
António-José Gonzalez & Nuno Amarante
13:00-14:15 Lunch
14:15-15:30 New horizons for FEPTO Research Committee through changing
perspectives for our meetings - Structured discussion
Galabina Tarashoeva, Psychodrama Center Orpheus, Bulgaria
15.30-16.00 Coffee break
Feedback and future planning
16.00-16.30 Feedback and evaluation of the RC Meeting
Jutta Fürst, University of Innsbruck, Austria
16:30-16:45 RC Meeting in Torino from 15-18 of October 2020
Paola de Leonardis & Marco Greco
Centro Studi Psicodramma e Metodi Attivi, Milano, Italy Studio di Psicodramma Torino, Italy
16:45-17:00 Next meetings: Where? When? What theme & content?
17:00 Closure
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No participation fee is required. Cost for lunch is covered by the participants.