News and Announcements Archive
Changes in Shuttle Times (December 31/January 1-2)
Changes in Shuttle Times (December 31/January 1-2) Due to the half-day holiday on December 31st (Wednesday), the last departure time for ...
/en/news/4956/changes-in-shuttle-times-december-31january-1-2/ 30 Dec 2014 -
BİLGİ Rowing Team Tryouts
BİLGİ Rowing Team Tryouts First tryouts for BİLGİ Rowing Racing Team will take place on December 15-21, 2014 (between 11.00-16.00 ...
/en/news/4955/bilgi-rowing-team-tryouts/ 11 Dec 2014 -
LSE Global Dimensions Programme Presentation
LSE Global Dimensions Programme Presentation Date: December 9, 2014 TuesdayTime: 14.00-15.00Place: santralistanbul Campus, Event Tent Speaker: Brian Davey (London School ...
/en/news/4953/lse-global-dimensions-programme-presentation/ 05 Dec 2014 -
International Day for People with Disabilities
International Day for People with Disabilities Today is the International Day for People with Disabilities. We believe we can advance through our ...
/en/news/4951/international-day-for-people-with-disabilities/ 03 Dec 2014 -
Transportation by ferry between santralistanbul-Kadıköy
Transportation by ferry between santralistanbul-Kadıköy Beginning from February 23th 2015, there will be a re-adjustment in the departure times of Kadıköy-santralistanbul-Kadıköy ferry. ...
/en/news/4949/transportation-by-ferry-between-santralistanbul-kadikoy/ 02 Dec 2014 -
Adjustment in Faculty and Department Organization
Adjustment in Faculty and Department Organization With respect to international academic developments, our university has made changes to some faculty and department names ...
/en/news/4948/adjustment-in-faculty-and-department-organization/ 25 Nov 2014 -
Fakülte Bölüm yapılarında değişiklik
Fakülte Bölüm yapılarında değişiklik
/en/news/4947/fakulte-bolum-yapilarinda-degisiklik/ 25 Nov 2014 -
The Laureate Summit on Youth Productivity
The Laureate Summit on Youth Productivity
/en/news/4946/the-laureate-summit-on-youth-productivity/ 25 Nov 2014 -
Snowboard-Ski Team Selection
Snowboard-Ski Team Selection All interested BİLGİ students are welcome to the University's Snowboard-Ski Team selection. Application deadline: December 8, 2014 Please ...
/en/news/4945/snowboard-ski-team-selection/ 20 Nov 2014 -
2014-2015 Fall Semester Midterm Exams
2014-2015 Fall Semester Midterm Exams Please click for the schedule of 2014-2015 Fall Semester Midterm Exams that will be held between November ...
/en/news/4941/2014-2015-fall-semester-midterm-exams/ 28 Oct 2014
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